Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
In the Republic of Kazakhstan circulatory system diseases represent one of the most actual health care problems and had been one of the leading places in the structure of mortality [1, 3]. On the basis of the development of multifactorial diseases, including cardiovascular disease (CVD) are genetic disorders like hereditary acquired, conditional on individual predisposition to disease and acquired by the individual as a result of the influence of external environmental factors. Most of these genetic disorders is represented by point mutations (mononukleoid polymorphisms) or unextended deletions [2, 4, 19]. Also in the basis of development of coronary artery disease and ischemic brain diseases is interaction of various genetic factors in the external environment. The complexity of the pathogenesis creates great difficulties in studying the nature of these diseases. In connection with this problem of research on genetic mechanisms of CVD is quite complex and is associated with the development of appropriate approaches and methods of analysis, as noted by many authors. One of the most effective approaches to studying the role of genetic mechanisms of CVD associated with the release of a group of genes with potentially the greatest contribution to the pathogenesis of the disease - the so-called candidate genes.
L.K. Karazhanova, Sh.T. Zhukusheva, A.A. Chinybaeva Semey State Medical University, Department internship in internal medicine
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