Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction Static deformity of the forefoot is up to 80% among orthopedic foot pathology in adults. Pathology causes a significant violation of the biomechanics of the entire lower limb, accompanied by pain in the front section of foot, difficulty in selecting and wearing shoes, reduces the ability to work and significantly the patient's quality of life. In this regard, the development of a treatment for static deformity of the front section of foot involving the elimination of hallux valgus, metatarsusprimavarus and plantar deviation of the central foot rays remains an incompletely solved and urgent problem of modern orthopedics and is demanded by public health. The aim. To construct a device for the intraoperative correction of the lateral flatness of the foot and the method of fixation of the metatarsal bones of the postoperative period in a corrected position. Research methods. Research method a series of cases. This paper presents preliminary immediate results of using an intraoperative corrector to restore the transverse arch of the foot during an operation of reconstruction of the front section of foot in 17 patients aged 33 to 66 years. The average age was 53,9 years. Results. Intraoperative correction of transverse flatness of the foot was achieved in all patients. The loss of correction during the year did not exceed 2 mm and did not affect the outcome of the treatment of patients. Hallux valgus was eliminated in all patients and the HVA angle ranged from 5º to 10º. During the year, the loss of correction in our patients was within 3º - 5º and did not affect the outcome of the treatment of patients. In the postoperative period, marginal necrosis of the wound in the area of MFJ 1 was observed in one patient, the wound healed by secondary intention and did not affect the outcome of the treatment. In all our patients, there was no recurrence of halluxvalgus, metatarsusprimavarus, transverse flatness of the foot, and the failure of PKS1 arthrodesis. Conclusion. The clinical evaluation of the correction of the transverse flatness of the foot by the proposed device and the stable fixation of the labia-like joints with an angular stability plate showed the feasibility of using the device. At the same time, given the short duration of observations and a small number of samples, the results obtained need to be confirmed by subsequent studies.
Amangazy M. Zhanaspaev1, https: // Maksim N. Sorokin 1, Marat A. Zhanaspaev 2, Nurlan A. Bokembaev 2, 1 Traumatology and orthopedic department of the City Hospital № 1 of Astana, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 Orthopedic surgery department, Semey Medical University, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Role of first ray hypermobility of the outcome of the Hohmann and the Lapidus procedure. If Prospective randomized trial involving one hungred and one feef. J.Bone Joint Surg. Ann., 2004, Vol 86, P.486-495. 28. Louzan D. Intervention de McBride modifeedans le traitementchizurgical de 1 hallux valgus.Evalutionet indication actualles memorize du DIU de chizurgie du pied et de la cheville. - Marseille, 2004. С.178-183. 29. Martinez-Nova A., Sanchez-Rodriquez R., Gomez-Martin B. The effect of abductor transposition in the modified McBride procedure. Foot bakle Spec. 2008. vol 1(5). P.275-279. 30. McBride E.D. The McBride bunion hallux valgus operation refinements in the recessive surgical steps of the operation. J. Bone Jiont Surg. Am.1967/.vol 49. P.1675-1683. 31. Menz H., Gilheany M., Lancdorf K. Foot and ankle surgery in Australia: a desriptive of the Medicare Benefits Schedure database 197 - 2006. J. Foot Ankle Res. 2008. №1.P.10-16. 32. Miller J.M. Inwerted Z-scarf osteotomy for hallucs valgus deformity correction: intermediate – term results in 55 patients. Foot Ankle Surgery. 2011. №50. - P.55-61. 33. Mittal D., Beazy N., Klenezman L., Linge K.A. Prospective study of modified silvers McBride procedure for hallux valgus. J.Bone Joint Surg. 1996.vol 78B.-P.74. 34. Roddy E. Prevalence and associations of hallux valgus in a primary care population. Arthritis Rheum. 2008. Vol 59,№ 6. P 857-862 35. Saro C., Bengtsson A., Lindgren U, Surgical treatment of\f halli\ux valgus and forefoot deformites in Sweden Foot Ankle Jnt., 2008. 29. P. 298-304. 36. Ulivari M. First metatarsal proximal osteomity-preliminary report. 3rd International Foot Ankle MJS Congress of the CRECMJP. Bruges Belgina, 2011 May 26-28. P.5 37. Vernous J. The treatment of the hallux valgus with a percutaneous chevron osteotomy. K. Bone Joint Surg. (Br) 2011. v.93 B., рр. 482-486. 38. Yucet J., Tenekeciogiu Y., Ogut T., Kesmezacaz H. Treatment of haluux valgus by modigied McBride procedure: a 6 year folloxw-up. J. Orthopead Traumatol.-2010. №11. P.89-97.
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Жанаспаев А.М., Сорокин М.Н., Жанаспаев М.А., Бокембаев Н.А. Лечение поперечного плоскостопия с Hallux Valgus при I и II типе распластанности стопы // Наука и Здравоохранение. 2019. 1 (Т.21).С. 80-90. Zhanaspaev A.M., Sorokin M.N., Zhanaspaev M.A., Bokembaev N.A.Treatment of transverse flatfoot with Hallux valgus in type I and II foot flatness. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2019, (Vol.21) 1, pp. 80-90. Жанаспаев А.М., Сорокин М.Н., Жанаспаев М.А., Бокембаев Н.А. Табан жалпақ табанының I және II типі бойынша hallux valgus деформациясы бар көлденең жалпақ табанды емдеу // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2019. 1 (Т.21).Б. 80-90.

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