Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: Defining the problem of infertility as a primary task for the reproduction of a healthy generation, the state annually allocates a large amount of budget funds to create optimal conditions for its solution, in particular through the introduction of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Unlike other programs, social benefits from the introduction of ART in comparison with other areas can only be felt in the long term. Aim: To determine the socio-economic efficiency of the implementation of ART programs in Kazakhstan, funded by the state budget. Materials and methods: The study was built in two stages: (1) analysis of the current situation on the services to ART in the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the expense of the state budget for the period 2010-2017; with the subsequent (2) calculation of economic efficiency in a prognostic aspect. An integrated model for evaluating the effectiveness was conducted using: 1) economic assessment, which was aimed at determining the amount of project profits from tax and other types of contributions to the state budget; 2) financial assessment to determine the payback period of the project; and 3) budget assessment conducted by determining the excess of the amount of budget revenues from the project over budget expenditures spent on its implementation. The materials of the study were the operational data of the Committee of Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the last 10 years (2007-2017). Results: On average, the minimum expenses incurred by the state for the birth of one child using ART (the cost of medical procedures and the minimum life requirements of each child born) will be on average up to 17,029,644.35±117,218.31 tenge. For reimbursement of the amount spent by the state per 1 resident of the country born with the use of reproductive technologies, an average of 13.04 ± 0.24 years is required to replenish these expenses to the state treasury. Conclusion: The birth of new members of the society under the ART program brings great economic benefits from future tax revenues to the state budget, exceeding the cost of the country 57 times.
Sholpan B. Chegedekova 1, Zaituna A. Khismetova 1 Ken Inoue 2, 1 NP JSC «Semey medical university», Semey sity, Republic of Kazakhstan 2 Department of Public Health, Graduate School of Medicine, Gunma University, Maebashi city, Japan
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