Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction.More than 40.0% of all diseases in men over 50 years fall at the share of the benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) that brings this disease into line of primary medical and social problems. Moreover, according toWHO’s demographic researches the population of the planet grows old, thus rate of incidence of this pathology is predicted. BPH significantly reduces quality of men’s life which is connected with various inappropriate urination, general asthenization of organism, change of psychoemotional state and erectile dysfunctions [4,17,21,68]. Despite some differences in statistic data, we see what high incidence and what impact on quality of life this disease has, howlower urinary tract symptoms and sexual disordersdue to BPH influence psychoemotional state of the patient. Methods of improvement in quality of life are offered, extensive information on modern achievements in this area is given. It is obvious that for timely diagnostics and development of effective measures of BPH prevention and rehabilitation it is necessary to study intensively risk factors of development of this disease, their interrelation. Purpose: To carry out systematic search of scientific literature concerning medical and social aspects of development of benign prostatic hyperplasia and their influence on quality of life of patients. Search strategy: Search of scientific publications was carried out in the databases of evidential medicine ((Elsevier, Web of Science, PubMed, CochraneLibrary), in the electronic scientific libraries (CyberLeninka, websites of periodic medical publications of the CIS countries) and the electronic libraries of dissertations (,, etc.). In total, it was found 13530 sources of literature. After automatic search and exception of the duplicated publications, we executed search of publications “manually” which allowed to reveal 70 sources of literature included in this review. Results: At the present time increasing attention in literature, especially in foreign one, is paid to BPHproblems, risk factors of its development, influence of these factors on quality of men’s life. And this is not surprising because according to numerous epidemiological researches BPHis one of the most frequent diseases of men and averages 29 - 30% of the totalappealability of men according to different authors. But it is necessary to tell that these figures are relative. Many researchers,including foreign ones, underline thatthere is no timely diagnosis of this disease because of low appealability of men in view of different reasons, and there is no sufficient detectability at the primary medical level as the main patient stream goes through general practitioners. Other moment of incidence rateof BPHis inefficient measures of prevention, insufficient assessment of risk factors of this pathology as well as their influence not only on development of disease, but also on the prediction in general. Therefore development of effective measures of prevention and rehabilitation of patients withprostatic hyperplasia is necessary. Conclusions: Thus, by the worked out sources of literature it can be seen how many publications are devoted to BPHproblems, how relevant it is in connection with progressive rate of incidence. Manifestations of BPHin the form of lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile dysfunction significantly reduce quality of life, lead to various neurotic disordersof men. Data of foreign authors on interrelation of lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile dysfunction and their influence on cardiovascular system, especially on their early diagnostics, are very interesting and evidential. It gives the chance to apply these recommendations for timely preliminary diagnostics of both states already at primary medical level. It is necessary, considering the most valuable evidential data of sources of literature, to develop measures of timely diagnostics, prevention and complex rehabilitation of patients with BPH
Asset M. Kussainov 1, Tolkyn A. Bulegenov 1 1 NJSC “Medical University of Semey”, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan
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Bibliography link

Kussainov A.M., Bulegenov T.A. Medical and social aspects of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Literature review. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2019, (Vol.21) 3, pp. 30-44.

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