Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. Recurrent miscarriage (hereinafter RM) defined as 2 or more pregnancy losses before the 22nd week of pregnancy, is a heterogeneous disorder affecting up to 3% of couples in the reproductive period. Despite numerous scientific studies of the possible causes of RM, their etiology remains uncertain in about 50% of cases and are considered idiopathic RM (hereinafter iRM), which do not have an explainable etiology. The choice of iRM is the preferred object for genetic research because of the relevance, clinical and genetic heterogeneity of recurrent miscarriage, the absence of common diagnostic criteria, the variety of etiological factors determined. Aim. Conduct a literature review to identify significant genetic variants of the development of iRM. Research strategy. Search for scientific publications was carried out in search engines: Medline, Web of Science, PubMed, Cochrane Library Google Academy, The depth of the search was not limited. Criteria for inclusion of publications in the literature review are defined as publications with the full text, in Russian and English, with statistically verified conclusions. Exclusion criteria are defined as abstracts, newspaper articles. 56 scientific publications were selected for the study and analysis. Results. The evidence for the genetic multifactor theory of iRM is growing by eliminating known clinical, ecological and external environmental risk factors. This review discusses the choice of these particular single nucleotide polymorphisms, based on a modern understanding of the physiology of implantation processes, which is a long and complex interaction between the mother and the fetus mediated through the placenta. Violations of this process can lead to abortion at all stages, which determined our choice of specific polymorphisms of the maternal genome, responsible for impaired endometrial decidualization and angiogenesis, apoptosis, as well as pro-inflammatory processes. Conclusions. It's significant contribution to reproduction and fertility indicators due to the high incidence of iRM, it is necessary to search for possible prognostic clinical biomarkers of iRM for early diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
Gulnara Svyatova1,, Galina Berezina1,, Damilya Salimbayeva1,, Meruert Kirikbayeva1,, Alexandra Murtazaliyeva1,, Korlan Saduakasova2, 1JSC “Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology”, 2S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Svyatova G., Berezina G., Salimbayeva D., Kirikbayeva M., Murtazaliyeva A., Saduakasova K. Genetic aspects of the idiopathic recurrent miscarriage. Literature review. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2019, (Vol.21) 4, pp. 37-49.

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