Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: The first place among the factors that determine human health belongs to a healthy lifestyle.The impact of harmful effects of bad habits on health is very large - they destroy the body with the help of diseases that inevitably appear in a person who smokes or drinks alcohol. To promote health, high performance and longevity, health workers should promote the rejection of bad habits, form a healthy lifestyle and strengthen measures to prevent diseases. Due to the fact that in recent years there have been trends in the development of nursing care, the role of nurses in the modern health care system has significantly increased. Today, in developed countries, the nurse provides to people the most complete information about various aspects of health, helps people in forming a responsible attitude to their health, changes bad habits and promotes the development of healthy lifestyles. In Kazakhstan there are no rules for patients with bad habits, therefore, there is no need for their development. Purpose: Conduct a systematic search for scientific information to study the work practices of nurses with patients who have behavioral risk factors (smoking, alcohol use) in foreign countries. Search strategy: an analysis of 53 English and Russian-language publications from CochraneLibrary, PubMed databases, in electronic scientific libraries, in the national scientific portal of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( for the last 18 years, with April 2001 to January 2019. Inclusion Criteria: Publications that contain information about problems associated with smoking and alcohol use, and how nurses work with these behavioral risk factors. The following searches were used for the search: “smoking, alcohol”, “the role of a nurse in promoting healthy lifestyles”, “nurse, addictions”, “nursing care, smoking”, “nursing care, alcohol” “nursing guides, smoking, alcohol". Exclusion criteria: publications older than 20 years, abstracts, abstracts, articles with a weak evidence base. Findings: Currently, the technology of nursing care in the early stages of the formation of chronic diseases is just beginning to form. Proof of this is the lack of nursing guidelines for the management of patients with behavioral risk factors. In order to prevent and reduce morbidity among the population, a nurse should actively carry out sanitary and educational work with the population, using individual and group conversations, lectures, memos, brochures, posters, motivational interviews, group games, training, anger management, yoga, weight control, meditation, self-confidence training, role-playing. Educational programs should provide the patient with information about his illness, including the reasons for their occurrence, the influence of risk factors, bad habits on their manifestation.
Aleksandra V. Beljatko1, Nasihat K. Nurgalieva1, Gul'mira A. Derbisalina1, Sholpan K. Batarbekova1 1 Department of General Practice №1, Astana medical university Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Beljatko A.V., Nurgalieva N.K., Derbisalina G.A., Batarbekova Sh.K. Working methods of medical sisters with patients with behavioral risk factors (smoking, alcohol): literature review. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2019, (Vol.21) 4, pp. 60-71.

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