Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. Changes in the current demographic situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan are primarily associated with the pronounced processes of population aging. Currently, the share of people 65 years and older in the country has exceeded 7%, thereby determining its entry into the group of “aging” countries of the world. The proportion of the population of 60 years and older reached 11.2% by the beginning of 2015, with a predicted trend of further increase by the middle of the century to 25%, while the proportion of people 80 years and older will increase by more than 3 times. In the next decade, the average life expectancy of the population is projected to increase from 70.3 to 72.0 years. So, by 2020, these indicators are expected to increase for men and women, respectively, to 65.76 years and 75.02 years, which remains lower than in Western Europe by 8-12 years. Aims. To study the structure of morbidity in elderly people (65 years and older) living in the territory of the Turkestan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Materials and methods. A cohort sociological study was conducted, which covered 2481 people by questioning in the territory of the Turkestan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period from November 2017 to January 2019. The object of the study was elderly people aged 60 to 75 years, but people older than 75 years are also represented in the study. The sample was taken in two cities of the Turkestan region, Shymkent and Turkestan, as well as in the four districts of Sozak, Tulkibas, Tolebi and Sairam. The processing is based on absolute data according to the study, part of the data presented was presented in percentage (relative) terms for better perception. Statistical and mathematical data processing was carried out using the Excel application package. Results. The analysis showed that elderly people in the Turkestan region over the age of 60 years and more often suffer from chronic heart failure (79.5%) and obstructive pulmonary disease (25.8%) of the total number of respondents. In addition, this trend can be traced throughout the country according to the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Conclusion. Given the high prevalence of chronic noncommunicable diseases in the country, it is necessary to develop and plan preventive intervention programs to improve public health.
Viktor A. Arkhipov 1, Yermek S. Mendybaev 1, Altyn M. Aringazina 1, 1 Kazakhstan’s Medical University “ Graduate School of Public Health”, The Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty.
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Arkhipov V.A., Mendybaev Ye.S., Aringazina A.M. Epidemiology of chronic non-communicable diseases among the elderly population of the Turkestan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2019, (Vol.21) 6, pp. 41-48.

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