Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
The article describes a new method developed by the authors for applying a fixing bandage to the knee and elbow joints. The advantages of the developed method for applying a dressing are rigid fixation of the joints and the underlying dressing, convenience of putting on a bandage for a patient and ease of implementation, which does not require certain practical skills.
Sagit B. Imangazinov1, https: // /0000-0002-8236-6246 Nursultan K. Andasbekov1, Marat G. Kanzhigalin2, Askhat A. Mursalimov2 1 The Pavlodar branch of NJSC “Semey Medical University”, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan; 2 «The City Hospital №1 of Pavlodar”, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan.
1. Дмитриева 3.В., Кошелев А.А., Теплова А.И. Хирургия с основами реаниматологии: Учебное пособие. СПб.: «Паритет», 2003. 576 с. 2. Рубан Э.Д. Хирургия. - Ростов н/Д: Феникс с ил. 2008. 569 с. 3. Имангазинов С.Б., Канжигалин М.Г., Мурсалимов А.А., Андасбеков Н.К. Способ наложения фиксирующей повязки на коленный и локтевой суставы. Патент KZ на полезную модель № 4216. References: 1. Dmitriyeva Z.V., Koshelev A.A, Teplova A.I. Кhirurgiya s osnovami reanimatologii: Uchebnoye posobiye. [Surgery with the basics of resuscitation]. SPB: «Paritet». 2003: 576. [In Russian] 2. Ruban E.D. Khirurgiya. [Surgery]. Rostov n / D: Feniks s il. 2008: 569. [In Russian] 3. Imangazinov S.B., Kanzhigalin M.G., Mursalimov A.A., Andasbekov N.K. Sposob nalozheniya fiksiruyushchey povyazki na kolennyy i loktevoy sustavy. [A new way of applying a fixing bandage to the knee and elbow joints]. Patent KZ for utility model № 4216. [In Russian]
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Imangazinov S.B., Andasbekov N.K., Kanzhigalin M.G., Mursalimov A.A. A nev way of applying a fixing bandage to the knee and elbow joints // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2020, (Vol.22) 1, pp. 98-100. doi:10.34689/SH.2020.22.1.011

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