Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Author(s): Sekeeva T.M
key basis for any product cost proposal and market access activity. Analysis of the “cost of disease” and publications using this method are important tools to increase the awareness of payers of the cost of disease conditions for health systems and society. The results of this analysis are useful in discussing public policy issues and can help policy makers determine where funding should be concentrated. Purpose: to analyze the "cost of the disease" at the rehabilitation level based on data from the "East Kazakhstan Regional Rehabilitation Center" Materials and research methods. The study evaluated rehabilitation services using the Cost of Illness (COI) analysis-based method. This indicator is calculated by the formula direct medical costs + indirect medical costs + indirect costs. The data for the analysis of direct medical rehabilitation costs were taken from RSE at RVP "East Kazakhstan Rehabilitation Center" for 2019. The data were presented in M (SD), Me (Q1, Q3), the calculations were carried out in SPSS for Windows version 20.0. The results of the study. The most expensive group in need of rehabilitation is the group Z 92.5 “In a personal history of rehabilitation procedures”. In general, there is a high variability of costs in tenge both within groups and between groups (m (SD); Me (Q1, Q3)): 84408 (14399), 88433 (13473), 49603 (11824), 58742 (54189, 64876) . Nevertheless, the actual cost of a patient's stay in bed days is significantly higher and amounts to 183218 tenge per month. Temporary inconvenience costs 89180 tenge per year for 1 person in need of rehabilitation. Despite the low number of people with disabilities among patients (less than 5%), indirect costs for payments may vary, depending on the disability group, from 30,886 to 57021 tenge per month. Findings. Evaluation by analysis of the “cost of the disease” method allows decision-makers to create conditions for further analytical work in order to reduce the burden of disease.
Tolkyn M. Sekeeva 1 1 NPJSC "Semey Medical University", Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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The burden of stroke in the Netherlands: estimating quality of life and costs for 1 year poststroke. BMJ Open. 2015. T. 5. № 11. pp.11-22. 9. Ernstsson O. et al. Cost of Illness of Multiple Sclerosis - A Systematic Review. Plos One. 2016. T. 11. № 7. pp. 45-52. 10. Fattore G. et al. The social and economic burden of stroke survivors in Italy: a prospective, incidence-based, multi-centre cost of illness study. BMC Neurology. 2012. T. 12. № 1. pp. 21-29. 11. Hejazi S.A. et al. Cost of post-stroke outpatient care in Malaysia. Singapore Medical Journal. 2015. T. 56. № 02. pp. 116–119. 12. Jo C. Cost-of-illness studies: concepts, scopes, and methods. Clinical and Molecular Hepatology. 2014. T. 20. № 4. pp. 327. 13. Luengo-Fernandez R. et al. Economic burden of stroke across Europe: A population-based cost analysis. European Stroke Journal. 2019. T. 5. № 1. pp. 17–25. 14. Raj R., Bendel S. et al. Costs, outcome and cost-effectiveness of neurocritical care: a multi-center observational study. Critical Care. 2018. №2. pp. 44-51. 15. Vincent Y., Leighton C., Kadir J. The Incidence, Prevalence, Costs and Impact on Disability of Common Conditions Requiring Rehabilitation in the US: Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Limb Loss, and Back Pain // Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014. №5. pp. 986-995.
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Sekeeva T.M. Assessment of the experience of providing rehabilitation services based on the analysis of the “cost of illness” // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2020, (Vol.22) 3, pp. 119-126. doi 10.34689/SH.2020.22.3.015

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