Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Relevance. Connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) can play a significant negative role in the development of various diseases, especially in young people. In particular, there is evidence of an increased likelihood of traumatic injuries. However, in the modern specialized literature we have not found data on the relationship of undifferentiated dysplasia of the connective tissue and the risk of developing a habitual dislocation in the shoulder joint. Objective: to determine the association of the development of a habitual dislocation in the shoulder joint with connective tissue dysplasia in adolescents in the conditions of Semey. Materials and methods: 45 patients were examined with a diagnosis of Habitual dislocation of the shoulder at the age of 15-18 years. The comparison group consisted of 350 people aged 15-18 years, determined by independent sampling according to the medical documentation of PHC facilities. The diagnosis of CTD and its degree were established in accordance with the criteria given by Evtushenko S.K. et al. An analysis of the significance of the differences was carried out using the Pearson criterion (χ2) and the two-sided Fisher exact test. Results of the study: A significant and significant excess of the number of persons with CTD in the group of patients with a habitual dislocation in the shoulder joint was revealed (RR = 2.62; χ2 = 26.48, p <0.001). No significant differences were found in the age structure and causes of the primary dislocation in the shoulder joint There was a significant dependence of the number of relapses of dislocation on the presence of CTD (p = 0.036). In the presence of CTD, surgical intervention was usually required to eliminate the usual dislocation. Conclusion: The presence of undifferentiated CTD in children and adolescents contributes to a higher risk of developing a habitual dislocation in the shoulder joint. The structure of traumatic injuries leading to the development of dislocation in the shoulder joint is similar in the presence and absence of CTD, with the exception of severe forms of dysplasia, when the number of spontaneous injuries that are not associated with excessive force increases. Treatment of a habitual dislocation in the shoulder joint in the presence of CTD more often requires the use of surgical methods and has a longer duration than in the absence of CTD.
Gulnara M. Mamyrkhanova1, Askar A. Kozykenov1, Аlisher. А. Abenov1, Еlzhan М. Manarbekov1, Department of Topographical and Clinical Anatomy named after Prof. N. Khlopov, NJSC " Semey medical university", Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Mamyrkhanova G.M., Kozykenov A.A., Abenov А.А., Manarbekov Е.М. Connective tissue dysplasia as a risk factor for habitual dislocation of the shoulder in adolescents // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2020, (Vol.22) 3, pp. 111-118. doi 10.34689/SH.2020.22.3.014

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