Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
This article presents a retrospective analysis of laboratory parameters in patients with end-stage chronic renal failure receiving lifelong hemodialysis and having a positive test for viral hepatitis C. The indicators of the complete blood count (red blood cell count, leukocyte count, platelet count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and ESR) were analyzed, biochemical studies for glucose, total protein, albumin, renal functional tests (glomerular filtration rate - GFR, creatine and urea), liver function tests (ALT and AST), iron examination (concentration of serum iron and ferritin), C-reactive protein. For the diagnosis of viral hepatitis C, only the test for the determination of antibodies against viral hepatitis antiHCV (Hepatitis C virus) was used. A statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out - the number and percentage, the arithmetic average, the level of significance P at ≤ 0.05. Assessment of the terminal stage of chronic renal failure in terms of sexual dimorphism in a comprehensive study of the diagnosis of hepatitis C in patients receiving hemodialysis was made for the first time. Fluctuations in individual diagnostic and prognostic indicators of laboratory tests, suggesting the involvement of sex factors in the combined development of viral hepatitis C and chronic renal failure were identified with an unfavorable prognosis. An important conclusion was made that, in order to improve diagnosis, it is necessary to follow the algorithm for early diagnosis of viral hepatitis C in patients with chronic kidney disease, who are shown to undergo dialysis, according to the guidelines of KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes, 2018). First of all, it is necessary to include a test for determining the nucleic acids of the causative agent of viral hepatitis C - the RNA test.
Mustafa R. Rysuly2, Aiman S. Sadvakas1, Nurlan R. Rakhmetov1, Manas E. Ramazanov1, Balkybek K. Zhanbyrbay1, Bekbolat S. Musabaev2 1 NJSC «Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov ", Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. 2 City Clinical Hospital №7, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Anemia management in chronic kidney disease and dialysis: a narrative review. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2017. Vol. 26(3)pp. 214-218. 13. Fabrizi F., Dixit V., Martin P., Messa P. Hepatitis C virus increases the risk of kidney disease among HIV-positive patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of medical virology. 2016. Vol. 88(3), pp. 487–497. 14. Gregory M. Lucas. Association between hepatitis C virus and chronic kidney disease: heterogeneity begets heterogeneity. Kidney Int. 2017. vol. 92(3), pp.546–548. 15. Kang S.S., Chang J.W., Park Y. Nutritional Status Predicts 10-Year Mortality in Patients with End-Stage Renal. Disease on Hemodialysis. 2017. Nutrients. Vol.9 (4), pp.99-104. 16. KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Anemia in Chronic Kidney. Disease Kidney Int.Supplements. 2012. Vol 2, Issue 4, August (2). 17. Lee J.J., Lin M.Y., Chang J.S., Hung C.C., Chang J.M., Chen H.C., Yu M.L., Hwang S.J. Hepatitis C virus infection increases risk of developing end-stage renal disease using competing risk analysis. PLoS One. 2014. vol. 9: e100790. 18. Li M., Wang P., Yang C., Jiang W., Wei X., Mu X., Li X., Mi J., Tian G. A systematic review and metaanalysis: Does hepatitis C virus infection predispose to the development of chronic kidney disease? Oncotarget. 2017. Vol. 8(6), pp.10692–10702. 19. Li W.C., Lee Y.Y., Chen I.C., Wang S.H., Hsiao C.T., Loke S.S. Age and gender differences in the relationship between hepatitis C infection and all stages of Chronic kidney disease. J Viral Hepat. 2014. vol. 21 pp.706–715. 20. Luı´s Henrique Bezerra Cavalcanti Sette, Edmundo Pessoa de Almeida Lopes Liver enzymes serum levels in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis: a comprehensive review. CLINICS. 2014. vol.69(4), pp.271-278. 21. Liu B., Xie J.-Z., Zhong C.-J., Liu K. Hepatitis C virus infection among hemodialysis patients in Asia: a meta-analysis. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 2014. vol.18, pp.3174-3182. 22. Mai Nabil Elnaggar, Waleed Ahmed Bichari, Hoyaida Elshinnawy Effect of HCV Infection Versus HBV Infection on the Response to Erythropoietin Therapy in The Treatment of Anemia in Prevalent Haemodialysis Patients. The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2018. vol. 70, pp. 92-96 23. Mohamed Fouad, Mabrouk I Ismail, Amira A. Mahmoud, Hoda Fathy, Amal Zidan, and Ezzat Mostafa Influence of Chronic Hepatitis B and C Infections on Anemia in Hemodialysis Patients. Enliven Archive, 2015, vol.20,pp. 1-6. 24. Molnar M.Z., Alhourani H.M., Wall B.M., Lu J.L., Streja E., Kalantar-Zadeh K., Kovesdy C.P. Association of hepatitis C virus infection with incidence and progression of chronic kidney disease in a largecohort o f US veterans. Hepatology. 2015. Vol. 61, pp.1495–1502. 25. Necati Örmeci Treatment of Patients With Hepatitis C Virus and Kidney Diseases. Int J Gastroenterol Disord Ther. 2018. vol. 5, pp. 138-145. 26. Nosratola D. Vaziri, Madeleine V Pahl, Albert Crum, and Keith Norris Effect of uremia on structure and function of immune system. J Ren Nutr. 2012. Vol. 22(1), pp. 149-156. 27. Obi Y., Qader H., Kovesdy C.P., Kalantar-Zadeh K. Latest consensus and update on protein-energy wasting in chronic kidney disease. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2015. Vol.18 (3), pp. 254-262. 28. Perunicić-Peković G., Rasić-Milutinović Z., Pljesa S. Predictors of mortality in dialysis patients-association between malnutrition, inflammation and atherosclerosis (MIA syndrome). Med Pregl. 2004. Vol. 57 (3-4). pp. 149-152. 29. Sabatino A., Regolisti G., Karupaiah T. et al. Protein-energy wasting and nutritional supplementation in patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis. Clin Nutr. 2017. Vol. 36(3), pp. 663-671. 30. Yao Q., Axellson J., Heimburger O. et al. Systemic inflammation in dialysis patients with end-stage renal disease: causes and consequences. Minerva Urol Nephrol, 2004. Vol. 56. P. 237-248.
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Rysuly M.R., Sadvakas A.S., Rakhmetov N.R., Ramazanov M.E., Zhanbyrbay B.K., Musabaev B.S. Need of improving the diagnostics of viral hepatitis C in patients with chronic kidney disease, receiving hemodialysis // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2020, (Vol.22) 6, pp. 54-62. doi 10.34689/SH.2020.22.6.008

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