Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
This study inscribes the effectiveness of an integrated approach to the treatment of borderline neuro-psychiatric disorders. 50 patients had examined, in which women - 39 (78%), men- 11 persons (22%) were observed in dynamic of treatment. We applied the principle of differential, incremental, integrated approach to the treatment of patients with neuroses. Designed program of a comprehensive approach to treatment of patients with borderline neuro-psychiatric disorders consisted of five phases: diagnostic, activating, reconstructive, train and maintain. The complex treatment focused on the study and recon-struction of the patient's personality, his system of values, the relationship with the outside world, restoring full of his social functioning.
A.A. Almagambetova OSCC "Mental health centers" of Semey city
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