Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Research objective: To study function of a thyroid gland at inhabitants of the Semipalatinsk region. Materials and research methods: Examination of the population was conducted by forwarding departures in May – September, 2012. In total 276 men and 1275 women were surveyed the person 1483, from them. Results of research: At patients with the revealed pathology of a thyroid gland the eutireoid condition prevails. Frequency of hypofunction of a thyroid gland was high in the Abaysky area and made 42,42%. The caption of antibodies tothyroidperox-idaze was authentically high in all surveyed areas that testifies to autoimmune character of pathology of a thyroid gland. Prevalence autoimmune defeat of a thyroid gland is characteristic for remote a consequence of radiation defeat.
M.Zh. Espenbetova, ZH.K. Zamanbekova, ZH.M. Zhumanbayeva, A.M. Dosbayeva, O.A. Yurkovskaya, R.K. Elchibaeva, Ye.V. Peresypkina State Medical University of Semey
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