Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
This research is dedicated to studying mental therapy efficiency at patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). There were examined 25 patients with IBS (20 women and 5 men) who were followed up by a doctor in the course of psychotherapeutic treatment. Therapy was conducted with consideration for disease state and personal peculiarities. On the early stages of IBS the main goal of mental therapy was psychological settlement of chief conflict which has caused the disease. In further, mental therapeutic effort was aimed both at treatment of available mental disorders and at relief of somatic state, correction of scale of the disease feeling and complex rehabilitation of patients. The research showed the necessity of adding modern methods (neuro-linguistic programming, Erikson hypnosis, short-term positive therapy, transaction analysis) which increase the efficiency of treatment to the traditional, previously used mental therapeutic techniques at IBS.
A.A. Almagambetova, R.M. Baizhumanova, M.G. Raimova, G.K. Burakhanova OSCC “MENTAL HEALTH CENTERS ” of Semey city, OSCC “Psychiatric Hospital”, township Shulbinsk
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