Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Research objective: To study frequency and features of pathology of a thyroid gland at the population of the Semipala-tinsk region. Materials and research methods: Examination of the population was conducted by forwarding departures in May – September, 2012. In total 276 men and 1275 women were surveyed the person 1483, from them; As a result of research the high frequency of thyroid pathology at inhabitants of the areas adjoining to SNP is revealed. Among pathology of a thyroid gland high frequency autoimmune thyroidit and nodal formations of a thyroid gland is noted. Major factor of development of thyroid pathology in the surveyed areas are the remote consequences of ionizing radiation.
M.Zh. Espenbetovа, ZH.K. Zamanbekova, ZH.M. Zhumanbayeva, A.M. Dosbayeva O.A. Yurkovskaya, A.K. Khaibullina, A.A. Aukenova State Medical University of Semey
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