Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: In the recent years the number of aesthetic surgeries in Kazakhstan has been growing steadily. Most of female patients have shown interest in correction of the upper eyelid zone. Classical operations on Europeanization of the eyelids represent one of the surgeries highly demanded in Kazakhstan. Since the country is located at the junction of Asia and Europe, anthropologically modern Kazakhstan inhabitants have clear mixed features of Caucasian and Mongoloid races. We did not find any domestic clinical studies on the topic where one can find discussions on this matter. Therefore, this problem serves as the basis for deeper study of the issue being subjest of this document. The aim: The study is aimed at presentation of review of the literary sources of the last 20 years relating to improvement of outcomes of aesthetic upper blepharoplasty in Kazakhstan, taking into account anatomical characteristics of people living on the given territory. Research strategy included the search for literary sources on the research topic, indexed in the electronic library databases: e-Library, Pubmed, Web of Science and Scopus. With a purpose of compiling the review, we have studied publications brought to light over the past 20 years, namely from 2001 to 2021 (however, there are 8 articles published respectively in 1952, 1970, 1963, 1992, 1980, 1956, 1989, 1991). The original language - English and Russian. A total of 89 publications were analyzed, incuding 45 articles corresponding to the objectives of the present study. Results: The term "Asians" is commonly used to refer to people who are originally from Asia. However, Asia is a home for different ethnic groups and races with different facial morphologies. Asians from India or Asians from Japan or Thailand differ significantly. We did not find any international or domestic clinical studies on relating to upper blepharoplasty for the Eurasian face type of individuals living on the territory of modern Kazakhstan. An in-depth study of this topic would help to improve the way of perioperative management of patients after aesthetic upper blepharoplasty.
Aina Dossan1, Aidos Doskalyiev2, Ardak Auezova1, Almagul Kauysheva1, Natalya Glushkova1, 1 Kazakhstan Medical University “Higher School of Public Health”, Almaty city, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 National Centre for Neurosurgery, Nur-sultan city, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Bellinvia G. и др. Upper lid blepharoplasty, eyebrow ptosis, and lateral hooding // Aesthetic Surg. J. 2013. Т. 33. № 1. С. 24–30. 12. Bhattacherjee K et al. The Upper Eyelid Blepahroplasty: Perspective of an Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeon International Journal of Ocular Oncology and Oculoplasty, January-March, 2016;2(1):5-10 13. Burusapat C. и др. Anthropometry Analysis of Beautiful Upper Eyelids in Oriental: New Eyelid Crease Ratio and Clinical Application // Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 2020. Т. 44. № 2. С. 392–410. 14. Chen C.-C., Tai H.-C., Huang C.-L. Chen’s Double Eyelid Fold Ratio // Plast. Reconstr. Surg. - Glob. Open. 2016. Т. 4. № 4. С. e681. 15. Chen W.P. Techniques, Principles and Benchmarks in Asian Blepharoplasty // Plast. Reconstr. Surg. - Glob. Open. 2019. Т. 7. № 5. С. e2271. 16. Hacker H.D., Hollsten D.A. Investigation of automated perimetry in the evaluation of patients for upper lid blepharoplasty // Ophthal. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 1992. Т. 8. № 4. С. 250–255. 17. Hahn S., Holds J.B., Couch S.M. Upper Lid Blepharoplasty // Facial Plast. Surg. Clin. North Am. 2016. Т. 24. № 2. С. 119–127. 18. Har-Shai Y., Hirshowitz B. Extended upper blepharoplasty for lateral hooding of the upper eyelid using a scalpel-shaped excision: A 13-year experience // Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 2004. Т. 113. № 3. С. 1028–1035. 19. Hiraga Y. The double eyelid operation and augmentation rhinoplasty in the Oriental patient Clinical Plastic Surgery. 1980. Oct:7 (4). 553-67. 20. Hollander M.H.J. и др. Functional outcomes of upper eyelid blepharoplasty: A systematic review // J. Plast. Reconstr. Aesthetic Surg. 2019. Т. 72. № 2. С. 294–309. 21. Jeong S. и др. The Asian upper eyelid: An anatomical study with comparison to the Caucasian eyelid // Arch. Ophthalmol. 1999. Т.117. № 7. С. 907–912. 22. Karam A. M., Lam S. M. Management of the aging upper eyelid in the asian patient // Facial Plast. Surg. 2010. Т. 26. № 3. С. 201–208. 23. Kim D.W., Bhatki A.M. Upper blepharoplasty in the Asian eyelid // Facial Plast. Surg. Clin. North Am. 2005. Т. 13. № 4. С. 525–532. 24. Kiranantawat K., Suhk J. H., Nguyen A.H. The Asian Eyelid: Relevant Anatomy // Semin. Plast. Surg. 2015. Т. 29. № 3. С. 158–164. 25. Kwon B., Nguyen A.H. Reconsideration of the Epicanthus: Evolution of the Eyelid and the Devolutional Concept of Asian Blepharoplasty // Semin. Plast. Surg. 2015. Т. 29. № 3. С. 171–183. 26. Lee C.K., Ahn S.T. Asian upper lid blepharoplasty surgery // Clin. Plast. Surg. 2013. Т. 40. № 1. С. 167–178. 27. Lee T.Y., Shin Y.H., Lee J.G. Strategies of upper blepharoplasty in aging patients with involutional ptosis // Arch. Plast. Surg. 2020. Т. 47. № 4. С. 290–296. 28. Liew S. и др. Consensus on Changing Trends, Attitudes, and Concepts of Asian Beauty // Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 2016. Т. 40. № 2. С. 193–201. 29. McCurdy J. A. Beautiful eyes: Characteristics and application to aesthetic surgery // Facial Plast. Surg. 2006. Т. 22. № 3. С. 204–214. 30. Morikawa K. и др. Scanning electron microscopic study on double and single eyelids in Orientals // Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 2001a. Т. 25. № 1. С. 20–24. 31. Nagi K.S., Carlson J.A., Wladis E.J. Histologic assessment of dermatochalasis: Elastolysis and lymphostasis are fundamental and interrelated findings // Ophthalmology. 2011. Т. 118. № 6. С. 1205–1210. 32. Nguyen M., Hsu P., Dinh T. Asian Blepharoplasty // Semin. Plast. Surg. 2009. Т. 23. № 03. С. 185–197. 33. Ohmori K. Esthetic surgery in Asian eyelid. // Plastic Surgery. Google Scholar [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 11.12.2020) 34. Park J.W. et al. Anatomy and histology of an epicanthal fold // J. Craniofac. Surg. 2016. Т. 27. № 4. С. 1101–1103. 35. Persing J. A., Knoll B. Blepharoplasty // Soft-Tissue Surgery of the Craniofacial Region: CRC Press, 2007. С. 211–222. 36. Rees T.D. The surgery of aesthetics: A modern dilemma // Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 1991. Т.15. №1. С. 99–104. 37. Rhee S.C. 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The Upper Eyelid Blepahroplasty: Perspective of an Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeon International Journal of Ocular Oncology and Oculoplasty, January-March, 2016;2(1):5-10 13. Burusapat C. и др. Anthropometry Analysis of Beautiful Upper Eyelids in Oriental: New Eyelid Crease Ratio and Clinical Application // Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 2020. Т. 44. № 2. С. 392–410. 14. Chen C.-C., Tai H.-C., Huang C.-L. Chen’s Double Eyelid Fold Ratio // Plast. Reconstr. Surg. - Glob. Open. 2016. Т. 4. № 4. С. e681. 15. Chen W.P. Techniques, Principles and Benchmarks in Asian Blepharoplasty // Plast. Reconstr. Surg. - Glob. Open. 2019. Т. 7. № 5. С. e2271. 16. Hacker H.D., Hollsten D.A. Investigation of automated perimetry in the evaluation of patients for upper lid blepharoplasty // Ophthal. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 1992. Т. 8. № 4. С. 250–255. 17. Hahn S., Holds J.B., Couch S.M. Upper Lid Blepharoplasty // Facial Plast. Surg. Clin. North Am. 2016. Т. 24. № 2. С. 119–127. 18. Har-Shai Y., Hirshowitz B. Extended upper blepharoplasty for lateral hooding of the upper eyelid using a scalpel-shaped excision: A 13-year experience // Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 2004. Т. 113. № 3. С. 1028–1035. 19. Hiraga Y. The double eyelid operation and augmentation rhinoplasty in the Oriental patient Clinical Plastic Surgery. 1980. Oct:7 (4). 553-67. 20. Hollander M.H.J. и др. Functional outcomes of upper eyelid blepharoplasty: A systematic review // J. Plast. Reconstr. Aesthetic Surg. 2019. Т. 72. № 2. С. 294–309. 21. Jeong S. и др. The Asian upper eyelid: An anatomical study with comparison to the Caucasian eyelid // Arch. Ophthalmol. 1999. Т. 117. № 7. С. 907–912. 22. Karam A. M., Lam S. M. Management of the aging upper eyelid in the asian patient // Facial Plast. Surg. 2010. Т. 26. № 3. С. 201–208. 23. Kim D.W., Bhatki A.M. Upper blepharoplasty in the Asian eyelid // Facial Plast. Surg. Clin. North Am. 2005. Т. 13. № 4. С. 525–532. 24. Kiranantawat K., Suhk J. H., Nguyen A.H. The Asian Eyelid: Relevant Anatomy // Semin. Plast. Surg. 2015. Т. 29. № 3. С. 158–164. 25. Kwon B., Nguyen A.H. Reconsideration of the Epicanthus: Evolution of the Eyelid and the Devolutional Concept of Asian Blepharoplasty // Semin. Plast. Surg. 2015. Т. 29. № 3. С. 171–183. 26. Lee C.K., Ahn S.T. Asian upper lid blepharoplasty surgery // Clin. Plast. Surg. 2013. Т. 40. № 1. С. 167–178. 27. Lee T.Y., Shin Y.H., Lee J.G. Strategies of upper blepharoplasty in aging patients with involutional ptosis // Arch. Plast. Surg. 2020. Т. 47. № 4. С. 290–296. 28. Liew S. и др. Consensus on Changing Trends, Attitudes, and Concepts of Asian Beauty // Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 2016. Т. 40. № 2. С. 193–201. 29. McCurdy J. A. Beautiful eyes: Characteristics and application to aesthetic surgery // Facial Plast. Surg. 2006. Т. 22. № 3. С. 204–214. 30. Morikawa K. и др. Scanning electron microscopic study on double and single eyelids in Orientals // Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 2001a. Т. 25. № 1. С. 20–24. 31. Nagi K.S., Carlson J.A., Wladis E.J. Histologic assessment of dermatochalasis: Elastolysis and lymphostasis are fundamental and interrelated findings // Ophthalmology. 2011. Т. 118. № 6. С. 1205–1210. 32. Nguyen M., Hsu P., Dinh T. Asian Blepharoplasty // Semin. Plast. Surg. 2009. Т. 23. № 03. С. 185–197. 33. Ohmori K. Esthetic surgery in Asian eyelid. // Plastic Surgery. Google Scholar [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 11.12.2020) 34. Park J.W., Hwang K. Anatomy and histology of an epicanthal fold // J. Craniofac. Surg. 2016. Т. 27. № 4. С. 1101–1103. 35. Persing J. A., Knoll B. Blepharoplasty // Soft-Tissue Surgery of the Craniofacial Region. : CRC Press, 2007. С. 211–222. 36. Rees T.D. The surgery of aesthetics: A modern dilemma // Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 1991. Т.15. №1. С. 99–104. 37. Rhee S.C. The average Korean attractive face [2] // Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 2006. Т. 30. № 6. С. 729–730. 38. Rhee S.C., Woo K.S., Kwon B. Biometric study of eyelid shape and dimensions of different races with references to beauty // Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 2012. Т. 36. № 5. С. 1236–1245. 39. Rhodes G. и др. Attractiveness of own-race, other-race, and mixed-race faces // Perception. 2005. Т. 34. № 3. С. 319–340. 40. Romm S. The changing face of beauty // Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 1989. Т. 13. № 2. С. 91–98. 41. Rusetsky Y.Y. и др. The anthropometric parameters of the external nose in a Kazakh population with particular reference to the planning of ethnic-specific rhinoplasty // Vestn. Otorinolaringol. 2016. Т. 81. № 4. С. 64–68. 42. Saonanon P. Update on Asian eyelid anatomy and clinical relevance // Curr. Opin. Ophthalmol. 2014. Т. 25. № 5. С. 436–442. 43. Sayoc B.T. Absence of superior palpebral fold in slit eyes: An anatomic and physiologic explanation // Am. J. Ophthalmol. 1956. Т. 42. № 2. С. 298–300. 44. Scawn R. et al. Upper lid blepharoplasty in asian eyes // Facial Plast. Surg. 2010. Т. 26. № 2. С. 86–92. 45. Wang al. Commentary on: Visual, physiological, and aesthetic factors and pitfalls in asian Blepharoplasty // Aesthetic Surg. J. 2016. Т. 36. № 3. С. 284–286.
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Bibliography link

Dossan A., Doskalyiev A., Auezova A., Kauysheva A., Glushkova N. Anatomical features of the structure of the upper eyelids in asians during aesthetic upper blefaroplasty. Literature review // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2021, (Vol.23) 3, pp. 31-50. doi:10.34689/SH.2021.23.3.004

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