Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Relevance:The article contains analytical data and theoretical calculations on the prevalence of dementia in Kazakhstan by various factors of occurrence, based on statistics obtained from the Kazakhstans Ministry of Health. A comparative analysis of the prevalence of dementia in Kazakhstan and in the world has been carried out. At present, the number of patients in the country is about 10,000, which is 14 times less than the preliminary estimated number; only 10% of registered patients receive antidemently therapy. The problem of dementia is much broader, but at the moment the country's gerontological service ignores this problem. The basic concepts and terms for the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of dementia are indicated. The difference between the concepts of "dementia" and "Alzheimer's disease" is given. The main legislative acts are listed, but on the basis of which it is possible to diagnose dementia and Alzheimer's disease with an indication of drug provision, benefits. Further legislative changes are proposed to improve the detection of cognitive decline. Objective: to demonstrate the relevance of the topic of cognitive decline to the medical community, review the literature on the prevalence and risk factors of dementia. Search strategy: The search for sources was carried out in the following databases: Reports & resources of Alzheimer's Disease International , Nature Portfolio Collections, EClinicalMedicine, The Lancet Public Health, CyberLeninka, PubMed, Medscape and available printed literature. The search depth was 10 years: from 2011 to 2021. Inclusion criteria were: meta-analyzes and systematic reviews; articles in English and Russian. Excluded were publications on the clinical cases, publications of low methodological quality, recurring publications. The search was carried out manually using the keywords: dementia, Alzheimer's disease. A total of 115 publications were analyzed, of which 74 are included in this work. The work is proactive in order to attract the attention of the medical community to the problem of dementia. Results: A literature review showed that the prevalence of dementia has increased over the past decades and will reach 132 million people worldwide by 2050. The projected prevalence of dementia in Kazakhstan could be around 150,000. Conclusions: the prevalence of dementia in Kazakhstan is urgent and requires further identification of patients, study of the problem, creation of an effective legislative framework and social protection.
Zhibek A. Zholdassova1,2, 1 LLP "Universal Brain Center"; 2 Public Foundation for Alzheimer's Disease "Kоp Zhasa", Almaty с., Republic of Kazakhstan
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Bibliography link

Zholdassova Zh.A. Theoretical prediction of the prevalence of dementia in Republic of Kazakhstan // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2021, (Vol.23) 5, pp. 161-173. doi 10.34689/SH.2021.23.5.017

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