Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Relevance: International practice has shown that health technology assessment (HTA) is a comprehensive process of generalizing information about medical technologies aimed at optimizing decision-making, which considers all aspects of the application of technologies based on evidence-based medicine and pharmacoeconomics. A special role is given to ethical issues and social consequences, comparative research with methods of expert assessment of clinical and economic efficiency. Most HTA organizations are limited only to an assessment and a database of past research. But in many developed countries, international HTA organizations recommend additional research along with the main ones, develop clinical and methodological guidelines, identify barriers and opportunities for conducting research, methodology for assessing and influencing primary reports, improving the qualifications of specialists in the field of technology assessment, informatization and consulting stakeholders , scientific substantiation and preparation of technology peer review reports and other services. Аim: Literature review of studies of the development and impact of health technology assessment in effective decision-making. Search method: Research paper were searched on bases Medline/PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar, in the electronic scientific libraries: e-Library, Cyberleninka. Inclusion criteria: search depth 11 years (2010-2021), original articles, literature reviews, methodological recommendations, guidance documents of international HTA, full text and open access publications in English and Russian. Exclusion criteria: articles and materials of low methodological quality, conference materials and publications of low methodological quality, with unclear conclusions. We have included 45 foreign and domestic publications on the topic fr om selected 107 literature source, which passed the critical evaluation analysis and were fit for purpose. Results and conclusions: A review of the literature showed that all stakeholders need to be informed in order for the results of HTAs to have an impact. Most HTAs conduct assessments as a formality, but a pronounced impact can be found in countries wh ere technology assessment organizations work closely with health care administrators. The effectiveness of the HTA process in health policy requires not only approaches in diagnosing and treating various diseases, but also a rational approach to decision-making that reduces government health care costs. Reasons for monitoring and impact of technologies are to determine the actual implementation of HTA recommendation in practice for future evaluation of effectiveness, creating feedback from the organization to support the promotion of orientation and dissemination of strategies, in other words, the monitoring of new technologies will allow organizations to make independent analysis and evaluation of the impact of technologies in health policy
Aiganym M. Askarova1, Lyazzat K. Kosherbayeva1, Adlet B. Tabarov2 1 Kazakh National Medical University named S.D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty city, the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 Republican center for healthcare development, Nur-Sultan city, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Askarova A.M., Kosherbayeva L.K., Tabarov A.B. The role of the development and influence of new medical technologies in making effective decisions. Review // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2021, (Vol.23) 5, pp. 174-184. doi 10.34689/SH.2021.23.5.019

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