Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: in almost all countries of the world, the prevalence and intensity of dental anomalies continues to grow steadily. Dental anomalies are on the third place in the frequency of lesions after caries and periodontal diseases. This circumstance, in the context of limited funding and significant cost of orthodontic equipment, dictates the need to optimize the provision of orthodontic care to both adults and children in various countries. The study of the epidemiology of anomalies of the dentoalveolar system allows us to solve important issues of optimizing the provision of orthodontic care to the population. These problems relate to the calculation of the staff of orthodontists, the organization of a network of orthodontic offices, and the planning of therapeutic and preventive measures. In this situation, it is necessary to note the increasing importance of the medical and social factor, namely, the availability of orthodontic care to the population. Aim: to study the degree of relevance of orthodontic care for occlusive dental pathologies in children and adults, as well as to highlight the importance of timely organization of orthodontic care. Search strategy: the literature search was carried out in the electronic databases MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Google Scholar and e-library, by keywords (orthodontic care for the population; dental indices for assessing occlusion; study of the epidemiology of anomalies of the dental system). The search depth was 35 years (from 1986 to 2021). 59 publications were identified that correspond to the objectives of our study. Results and discussions: the review analyzes the results of the most important clinical studies on the implementation of orthodontic care in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The analysis of the most effective tools for assessing the need for orthodontic treatment is carried out. It is established that the most comfortable and simple, from the point of view of clinical application, is the ICON index. The criteria for the results of orthodontic treatment, considering the quality of life of patients, are shown. Conclusions: to date, the earlier appointment of orthodontic care for occlusive dental pathologies has a high degree of relevance, among children and adults. Since it allows you to achieve an aesthetic effect, it has a general therapeutic effect on the musculoskeletal system and prevents the development of complications. Planning effective orthodontic treatment requires a comprehensive approach from the health system and regular public awareness for preventive purposes. Today, there is an urgent need to optimize the orthodontic service in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Kenzhesh R. Dosmatova1,4, Kobeysin D. Altynbekov2, Kural К. Kurakbayev2, Igor V. Tokarevitch3, Ardak M. Auezova1, Ardak N. Nurbakyt1, Natalya Е. Glushkova4, 1 Kazakhstan’s medical university «Higher School of Public Health KSPH», Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 Kazakh national medical university named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; 3 Belarusian State Medical University. Minsk, Republic of Belarus; 4 al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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