Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: Despite modern achievements in herniology and the availability of a large number of methods of surgical treatment of inguinal hernia, surgical treatment of hernias of the anterior abdominal wall is still an urgent problem in abdominal surgery, which is caused by a high rate of complications and recurrences in the long-term period of 5-47%. In patients with recurrent inguinal hernias during the operation, there are difficulties with changing the anatomical structures, cicatricial processes in the tissues, the appearance of a sliding form of a crack, n. ilioinguinalis and is based on the risk of damage to the reproductive zone, all this requires the invention of a special method for performing the operation [5, 16]. Based on the above questions, in order to improve the results of surgical treatment of patients with postoperative recurrent inguinal hernias, which served as the basis for the study, further clinical research is needed. Aim of the study: Analysis of the results of surgical methods for the treatment of recurrent inguinal hernias using non-stretch hernioplasty according to the clinical method. Materials and research methods: Analysis of the results of surgical treatment of 158 patients admitted in the period from 2013 to 2020 to the Department of Adult Surgery at the Department of Hospital and Pediatric Surgery of the University Hospital of the Non-Commercial Joint Stock Company "Semey Medical University" (UG NJSC "IUS"). The age of patients ranged from 24 to 74 years, the mean age was 58.8 ± 5.2. The duration of carriage of recurrent inguinal hernias in patients ranged from 9 months to 12 years. Right-sided location of hernias was found in 83 (52.6%) patients, left-sided - in 62 (39.2%) and bilateral - in 13 (8.2%) patients. All patients, depending on the application of the alloplasty method of non-stretch hernioplasty, were divided into the main and control groups. Results: The evaluation of the results of the study was carried out depending on the nature of the surgical intervention, postoperative pain syndrome, motor activity, tissue edema in the area of the postoperative suture, bed days in the hospital, and the presence of complications. These criteria were prioritized based on the operations of patients with inguinal hernia. The average duration of the operation was 48.3±2.2 minutes. According to our study, the average bed-days of patients operated on by non-stretch hernioplasty according to the clinic method was 7.4+0.8 days, and the average bed-days of patients operated on by the Liechtenstein non-stretch hernioplasty method in the control group was 9.5+1,1 day. Conclusions: The complication rate after non-stretch hernioplasty using the Lichtenstein method was 22.5%, and the complication of hernia repair from non-stretch hernioplasty using the clinic method was 9%. When analyzing long-term results, very good results in the group are 2.2 times higher than in the control group. Also in the clinic, an improved non-stretch hernioplasty prevents the appearance of a hernia in the hips.
Meyrbek Zh. Aimagambetov1, Medet A. Auyenov1, Samatbek T. Abdrakhmanov1, Nazarbek B. Omarov1, Есенгазы О. Масалимов1, https:// Rinat K. Taiburov2, Аldiyar Y. Мasalov1, Yerasyl A. Mukash1, Shyngys O. Orynbasarov3, https:// 1 Department of Hospital and Pediatric Surgery, NСJSC «Semey Medical University», Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 University Hospital NСJSC «Semey Medical University», Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan; 3 Military Department, NСJSC «Semey Medical University», Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Aimagambetov M.Zh., Auyenov M.A., Abdrakhmanov S.T., Omarov N.B., Масалимов Е.О., Taiburov R.K., Мasalov А.Y., Mukash Ye.A., Orynbasarov Sh.O. Method of treatment for recurrent inguinal hernias // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2021, (Vol.23) 6, pp. 111-122. doi 10.34689/SH.2021.23.6.013

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