Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. Dolichoarteriopathy of the internal carotid artery (DICA) is not a rare disease, despite the half-century history of studying this nosology, some questions regarding the etiology, clinic, diagnosis and treatment tactics remain unanswered. Aim. A review of the literature on the optimization of the etiology, clinical picture, diagnosis, and treatment tactics of DICA. Search strategy. In the course of studying this pathology, a search was carried out for the current literature of the PubMed database (MEDLINE) and the scientific electronic library "CyberLeninka" (CYBERLENINKA) and eLIBRARY.RU with a search depth of 20 years (2001–2021). In some cases, there are links to earlier publications of historical value. The literature search included publications in Russian and English. A total of 488 sources were found, of which 52 were selected that meet the inclusion criteria and exclude newspaper publications, case reports, abstracts, and duplication or repetition of information. Results. The article presents the main hypotheses for the development of congenital and acquired DICA. The diversity of the clinical picture of this pathology is shown. Various instrumental methods for the diagnosis of DICA are presented, with the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The tactics of treatment of DICA with modern methods of reconstruction of the carotid artery (CA) are considered. Conclusions. To date, there is no unequivocal opinion about the etiology. Narrowing of the lumen at the site of the bend of the artery reduces blood flow through the ICA and can cause the development of general cerebral symptoms. Diagnostics of DICA include ultrasound and radiation methods, but there is no standardized algorithm for examination methods. Symptomatic DICA with instrumental proven hemodynamically significant deformity should be treated surgically. Surgical treatment of DICA can lead to good results, with low morbidity and mortality.
Yerbol K. Dogalbayev1,2, Alexander B. Fursov2, Tokan A. Sultanaliev1, Irlan N. Sagandykov1, Serik S. Suleimenov1, 1 National research oncology center, Center for vascular surgery, Nur-Sultan c. Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 NCJSC «Astana Medical University», Nur-Sultan c. Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Bibliography link

Dogalbayev Ye.K., Fursov A.B., Sultanaliev T.A., Sagandykov I.N., Suleimenov S.S. Dolichoarteriopathy of the internal carotid artery: etiology, сlinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment. Review // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2021, (Vol.23) 6, pp. 130-139. doi:10.34689/SH.2021.23.6.015

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