Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
The article describes a clinical case of pseudo-Bartter syndrome (PSB) or a salt-wasting form of CF in an 11-month-old child with cystic fibrosis. PSB is one of the serious complications and, in some cases, is a manifestation of CF disease with a possible fatal outcom. PSB manifests mainly in children in the first year of life, is characterized by renin hypersecretion, hyperaldosteronism, but without the development of arterial hypertension, in contrast to the true Bartter's syndrome, in which salt loss with sweat is normal, but salt metabolism in the renal tubules is impaired. Chronic loss of salts is aggravated by increased sweating during the hot season, with fever, vomiting, diarrhea and insufficient intake of sodium from food. The frequency of this syndrome among patients with CF, according to a number of authors, is 12–16%. Symptoms atypical for classical CF: progressive hypotension, delayed weight gain or weight loss with an adequate dose of enzymes, repeated regurgitation or vomiting, diarrhea or stool retention associated with intestinal paresis against the background of electrolyte disturbances creates serious difficulties for the diagnosis of CF and the implementation of rational therapy, often leads to life-threatening conditions requiring intensive care, and sometimes to a rapid death. Awareness of doctors and parents, control of electrolyte levels at the first symptoms of the disease allow you to quickly take preventive measures aimed at the development of metabolic disorders, followed by the prevention of a critical condition of a life-threatening child. The article presents a case of an atypical course of cystic fibrosis in a young child. Shown, on a specific example, the difficulty of diagnosing this disease. The information presented in the article is useful for: neonatologists, pediatricians, general practitioners, pulmonologists, gastroenterologists, nutritionists.
Тatyana V. Marshalkina1, Nazgul T. Zhanuzakova1, Aliya G. Zaitova1 1 AC «Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery», Аlmaty с., Republic of Kazakhstan
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Category of articles: Clinical case

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Marshalkina Т.V., Zhanuzakova N.T., Zaitova A.G. A clinical case of pseudo - Bartter syndrome in a child of 11 months // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2022, (Vol.24) 3, pp. 238-242. doi 10.34689/SH.2022.24.3.028

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