Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
In the structure of the incidence of tuberculosis, the problem of pregnancy in women with tuberculosis becomes particularly acute. This is due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, and the presence of HIV infection worsens the course and outcome of both tuberculosis and pregnancy. The problem of tuberculosis/HIV co-infection in pregnant women remains not fully understood. Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most common opportunistic infections in HIV-infected patients, especially in regions with its high prevalence. Pregnant women with co-infection have the worst prognosis, while the main factors affecting the outcome and prognosis of pregnancy are the severity and prevalence of TB, the presence of its extrapulmonary localizations, poor adherence to treatment, as well as the duration of pregnancy when TB is detected. These factors also affect the frequency of obstetric complications such as miscarriages, premature birth, and low newborn body weight. Late diagnosis of TB is an independent factor that increases the frequency of obstetric pathology by almost 4 times, and the risk of premature birth by 9 times. We present a clinical case of a pregnant woman with coinfection (TB/HIV). In the Republic of Kazakhstan, this clinical case is an isolated one. With this clinical case, we show the diagnosis, course and outcome of tuberculosis treatment in a pregnant woman with coinfection, as well as the effectiveness of the individual treatment regimen (ITR).
Lazzat T. Kasayeva1, https://orcid 0000-0002-1926-4829 Saltanat A. Sakybayeva2, Shakhsanam M. Yuldasheva1, Karlygash B. Nasyrova2, Arman Zh. Duisenov2, Gafur I. Eshmetov3, Gauhar A. Muzdybayeva2 1 South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Shymkent, the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 International Kazakh-Turkish University. H.A. Yasavi, Turkestan, the Republic of Kazakhstan; 3 Center of Phthisiopulmonology in Turkestan region, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Kasayeva L.T., Sakybayeva S.A., Yuldasheva Sh.M., Nasyrova K.B., Duisenov A.Zh., Eshmetov G.I., Muzdybayeva G.A. Сo-Infection (tuberculosis/HIVinfection) and pregnancy. A clinical case // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2022, (Vol.24) 5, pp. 230-236. doi 10.34689/SH.2022.24.5.029

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