Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. Long-term burial of bone remains is often the reason for their fragmentation. Fragile bone tissue can also be destroyed during the removal of skeletal remains and transport by the police. The work is devoted to the possibility of using the method of postmortal reconstruction of the skull bones using adhesively thermoplastic agent for medical forensic examination of skeletal human remains. Aim of the research: to assess the possibilities of using the method of postmortal reconstruction of the skull bones using adhesively thermoplastic agent in the examination of the human skeleton with poor preservation of bone tissue. Methods. The object of the research was the remains of 14 skeletal corpses discovered in the territory of South Kazakhstan in the period from 2016 to 2021. Results. The technique of postmortal reconstruction of fragmented bones with the use of adhesively thermoplastic agent during medical forensic examination of 14 examined human skulls is described. Conclusion. Postmortal reconstruction of the human skull using manual bonding of bone fragments using adhesively thermoplastic agent is the most non-invasive way to study skeletal remains and poorly preserved skull bones. This technique is most in demand in cases of fragmentation of bone remains, when it is impossible to use other methods of reconstruction, and allows proper follow-up studies to determine gender and race, age, nature of intravital and post-mortem damage to the bones of the skeleton.
Saule A. Mussabekova1, Аnastasiya О. Stoyan2, 1 Department of Pathology NP JSC "Medical University of Karaganda", Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 Institute of Forensic Examinations in the city of Almaty State Enterprise "Center for Forensic Examination of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan", Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Mussabekova S.A., Stoyan А.О. Possibilities of postmortal reconstruction of fragmented bones in the study of human skeletonized remains // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science &Healthcare]. 2022, (Vol.24) 6, pp.137-142. doi 10.34689/SH.2022.24.6.018

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