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Мұрааттағы мақалаларды қарау
Кіріспе: Шолу жедел прогрессияға және асқынуға бейімді фиброз және цирроз сатасындағы бауырдың диффузды ауруларын инвазивті емес инструментальді диагностикасының өзекті мәселелеріне арналған. Эластографияның ең көп тараған әдістеріне арналған зерттеулердің нәтижелері көрсетілген. Берілген әдебиеттік шолудың мақсаты - бауыр фиброзы мен циррозы туралы заманауи диагностикалық әдістері жайлы әдебиеттерді тауып, соған талдау жасау. Материалдар мен әдістер: негізгі сөздерді қолдана отырып PubMed Medline мақалалық базасында және Google Scholar ғылыми іздеу жүйесі көмегімен жүргізілді. Нәтижелері: Транзиентті эластография (TE) мен акустикалық импульс толқынды эластография (ARFI) артықшылықтары мен жетімсіздіктері жайында авторлардың пікірі біркелкі емес. Сонымен бірге TE саласындағы зерттеулердің көлемі мен клиника-диагностикалық аспектілері ARFI-ге қарағанда неғұрлым жоғары. Қорытынды: Бауырдың диффузды ауруларынының тиімді инвазивті емес инструментальді диагностикасына байланысты сұрақтар өзекті болып табылады.
Л. Қасым1, З. К. Жумадилова1, Н. Р. Баркибаева1, А. Дажани2 1 Ішкі аурулар кафедрасы, Семей қаласының Мемлекеттік медицина университеті, Семей, Қазақстан; 2 Гастроэнтерологиялық бөлімі, ADSC Center, Шарджа, Біріккен Араб Әмірліктері
1. Павлов Ч. С., Глушенков Д. В. Оценка эффективности лечения неалкогольного стеатогепатита с использованием методов неинвазивной диагностики // Русский медицинс-кий журнал. 2009. Т.17, №5. С.322-326. 2. Павлов Ч. С., Глушенков Д. В., Ковтун В. В., Ивашкин В. Т. Неинвазивная диагностика фиброза: результаты национальных программ скрининга фиброза печени у больных с заболеваниями печени на территории Российской Федерации // Доказательная гастроэнтерология. 2013. №2. C. 3-9. 3. Павлов Ч. С., Глушенков Д. В., Ивашкин В. Т. Современные возможности эластометрии, фибро- и акти-теста в диагностике фиброза печени // Российский журнал гастроэнтеро-логии, гепатологии и колонопроктологии. 2008. №4. С. 43-52. 4. Arena U., Vizzutti F., Abraldes J. G., Corti G., Stasi C., Moscarella S., Milani S., Lorefice E., Petrarca A., Romanelli R. G., Laffi G., Bosch J., Marra F., Pinzani M. Reliability of transient elastography for the diagnosis of advanced fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C // Gut. 2008. Vol. 57, №9. P. 1288-1293. 5. Bamber J., Cosgrove D., Dietrich C. F., Fromageau J., Bojunga J., Calliada F., Cantisani V., Correas J. M., D'Onofrio M., Drakonaki E. E. et al. EFSUMB guidelines and recommendations on the clinical use of ultrasound elastography. Part 1: Basic principles and technology // Ultraschall Med. 2013. Vol. 34, № 2. P. 169-184. 6. Bedossa P. T. Intraobserver and interobserver variations in liver biopsy interpretation in patients with chronic hepatitis C // Hepatology. 1994. Vol. 20, № 1.P. 15-20. 7. Berzigotti A., Castera L. Update on ultrasound imaging of liver fibrosis // J Hepatol. 2013. Vol. 59, № 1. P. 180-182. 8. Berzigotti A., Seijo S., Reverter E., Bosch J. Assessing portal hypertension in liver diseases // Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013. Vol. 7, № 2. P. 141-155. 9. Bosch J., Abraldes J. G., Berzigotti A., García-Pagan J. C. The clinical use of HVPG measurements in chronic liver disease // Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. Vol. 6, № 10. P. 573-582. 10. Bravo A. A., Sheth S. G., Chopra S. Liver biopsy // N Engl J Med. 2001. Vol. 344, № 7. P. 495-500. 11. Castéra L., Foucher J., Bernard P. H., Carvalho F., Allaix D., Merrouche W., Couzigou P., de Lédinghen V. Pitfalls of liver stiffness measurement: a 5-year prospective study of 13,369 examinations // Hepatology. 2010. Vol. 51, № 3. P. 828-35. 12. Castéra L., Vergniol J., Foucher J., Le Bail B., Chanteloup E., Haaser M., Darriet M., Couzigou P., De Lédinghen V. Prospective comparison of transient elastography, Fibrotest, APRI, and liver biopsy for the assessment of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C // Gastroenterology. Vol. 128, № 2. P. 343-350. 13. Chan H. L., Wong G. L., Choi P. C., Chan A. W., Chim A. M., Yiu K. K., Chan F. K., Sung J. J., Wong V. W. Alanine aminotransferase-based algorithms of liver stiffness measurement by transient elastography (Fibroscan) for liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B // J Viral Hepat. 2009. Vol. 16, № 1. P. 36-44. 14. Chan W. K., Nik Mustapha N. R., Mahadeva S. Controlled attenuation parameter for the detection and quantification of hepatic steatosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease // J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014. Vol. 29, № 7. P. 1470-1476. 15. Colombo S, Belloli L, Buonocore M, Jamoletti C, Zaccanelli E, Del Poggio P. True normal liver stiffness measurement (LSM) and its determinants. Hepatology. 2009;50 Suppl: A741. 16. Corpechot C., El Naggar A., Poupon R. Gender and liver: is the liver stiffness weaker in weaker sex? // Hepatology. 2006. Vol. 44, № 2. P. 513-514. 17. D'Onofrio M., Gallotti A., Mucelli R. P. Tissue quantification with acoustic radiation force impulse imaging: Measurement repeatability and normal values in the healthy liver // AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2010. Vol. 195, № 1. P. 132-136. 18. de Lédinghen V., Vergniol J., Capdepont M., Chermak F., Hiriart J. B., Cassinotto C., Merrouche W., Foucher J., Brigitte l. B. Controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) for the diagnosis of steatosis: a prospective study of 5323 examinations // J Hepatol. 2014. Vol. 60, № 5. P. 1026-1031. 19. de Lédinghen V., Wong V. W., Vergniol J., Wong G. L., Foucher J., Chu S. H., Le Bail B., Choi P. C., Chermak F., Yiu K. K., Merrouche W., Chan H. L. Diagnosis of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis using liver stiffness measurement: comparison between M and XL probe of FibroScan® // J Hepatol. 2012. Vol. 56, № 4. P. 833-839. 20. Fierbinteanu Braticevici C., Sporea I., Panaitescu E., Tribus L. Value of acoustic radiation force impulse imaging elastography for non-invasive evaluation of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease // Ultrasound Med Biol. 2013. Vol. 39, № 11. P. 1942-1950. 21. Friedrich-Rust M., Wunder K., Kriener S., Sotoudeh F., Richter S., Bojunga J., Herrmann E., Poynard T., Dietrich C. F., Vermehren J., Zeuzem S., Sarrazin C. Liver fibrosis in viral hepatitis: noninvasive assessment with acoustic radiation force impulse imaging versus transient elastography // Radiology. 2009. Vol. 252, № 2. P. 595-604. 22. Frulio N., Trillaud H. Ultrasound elastography in liver // Diagn Interv Imaging. 2013. Vol. 94, № 5. P. 515-534. 23. Fung J., Lai C. L., Chan S. C., But D., Seto W. K., Cheng C., Wong D. K., Lo C. M., Fan S. T., Yuen M. F. Correlation of liver stiffness and histological features in healthy persons and in patients with occult hepatitis B, chronic active hepatitis B, or hepatitis B cirrhosis // Am J Gastroenterol. 2010. Vol. 105, № 5. P. 1116-1122. 24. Guzmán-Aroca F., Frutos-Bernal M. D., Bas A., Luján-Mompeán J. A., Reus M., Berná-Serna J. e. D., Parrilla P. Detection of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in patients with morbid obesity before bariatric surgery: preliminary evaluation with acoustic radiation force impulse imaging // Eur Radiol. 2012. Vol. 22, № 11. P. 2525-2532. 25. Kim S. U., Kim d. Y., Ahn S. H., Kim H. M., Lee J. M., Chon C. Y., Park Y. N., Han K. H., Park J. Y. The impact of steatosis on liver stiffness measurement in patients with chronic hepatitis B // Hepatogastroenterology. 2010. Vol. 57, № 101. P. 832-838. 26. Kuroda H., Kakisaka K., Kamiyama N., Oikawa T., Onodera M., Sawara K., Oikawa K., Endo R., Takikawa Y., Suzuki K. Non-invasive determination of hepatic steatosis by acoustic structure quantification from ultrasound echo amplitude // World J Gastroenterol. 2012. Vol. 18, № 29. C. 3889-3895. 27. Kuroda H., Kakisaka K., Tatemichi Y., Sawara K., Miyamoto Y., Oikawa K., Miyasaka A., Takikawa Y., Masuda T., Suzuki K. Non-invasive evaluation of liver fibrosis using acoustic radiation force impulse imaging in chronic hepatitis patients with hepatitis C virus infection // Hepatogastroenterology. 2010. Vol. 57, № 102. P. 1203-1207. 28. Marcellin P., Ziol M., Bedossa P., Douvin C., Poupon R., de Lédinghen V., Beaugrand M. Non-invasive assessment of liver fibrosis by stiffness measurement in patients with chronic hepatitis B // Liver Int. 2009. Vol. 29, № 2. P. 242-247. 29. Myers R. P., Pomier-Layrargues G., Kirsch R., Pollett A., Duarte-Rojo A., Wong D., Beaton M., Levstik M., Crotty P., Elkashab M. Feasibility and diagnostic performance of the FibroScan XL probe for liver stiffness measurement in overweight and obese patients // Hepatology. 2012. Vol. 55, № 1. P. 199-208. 30. Nitta Y., Kawabe N., Hashimoto S., Harata M., Komura N., Kobayashi K., Arima Y., Shimazaki H., Nakano T., Murao M., Ichino N., Osakabe K., Aoki H., Hosoe Y., Sugiyama H., Nishikawa T., Yoshioka K. Liver stiffness measured by transient elastography correlates with fibrosis area in liver biopsy in patients with chronic hepatitis C // Hepatol Res. 2009. Vol. 39, № 7. P. 675-684. 31. Petta S., Di Marco V., Cammà C., Butera G., Cabibi D., Craxì A. Reliability of liver stiffness measurement in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: the effects of body mass index // Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2011. Vol. 33, № 12. P. 1350-1360. 32. Regev A., Berho M., Jeffers L. J., Milikowski C., Molina E. G., Pyrsopoulos N. T., Feng Z. Z., Reddy K. R., Schiff E. R. Sampling error and intraobserver variation in liver biopsy in patients with chronic HCV infection // Am J Gastroenterol. 2002. Vol. 97, № 10. P. 2614-2618. 33. Robic M. A., Procopet B., Métivier S., Péron J. M., Selves J., Vinel J. P., Bureau C. Liver stiffness accurately predicts portal hypertension related complications in patients with chronic liver disease: a prospective study // J Hepatol. Vol. 55, № 5. P. 1017-24. 34. Roulot D., Czernichow S., Le Clésiau H., Costes J. L., Vergnaud A. C., Beaugrand M. Liver stiffness values in apparently healthy subjects: influence of gender and metabolic syndrome // J Hepatol. 2008. Vol. 48, № 4. P. 606-613. 35. Sirli R., Sporea I., Tudora A., Deleanu A., Popescu A. Transient elastographic evaluation of subjects without known hepatic pathology: does age change the liver stiffness? // J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2009. Vol. 18, № 1. P. 57-60. 36. Sporea I., Sirli R., Bota S., Popescu A., Sendroiu M., Jurchis A. Comparative study concerning the value of acoustic radiation force impulse elastography (ARFI) in comparison with transient elastography (TE) for the assessment of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis B and C // Ultrasound Med Biol. 2012. Vol. 38, № 8. P. 1310-1316. 37. Sporea I., Sirli R., Deleanu A., Tudora A., Popescu A., Curescu M., Bota S. Liver stiffness measurements in patients with HBV vs HCV chronic hepatitis: a comparative study // World J Gastroenterol. 2010. Vol. 16, № 38. P. 4832-4837. 38. Yoneda M., Suzuki K., Kato S., Fujita K., Nozaki Y., Hosono K., Saito S., Nakajima A. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: US-based acoustic radiation force impulse elastography // Radiology. 2010. Vol. 256, № 2. P. 640-647. 39. Ziol M., Handra-Luca A., Kettaneh A., Christidis C., Mal F., Kazemi F., de Lédinghen V., Marcellin P., Dhumeaux D., Trinchet J. C., Beaugrand M. Noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis by measurement of stiffness in patients with chronic hepatitis C // Hepatology. 2005. Vol. 41. № 1. P. 48-54. References: 1. Pavlov Ch. S., Glushenkov D. V. Otsenka effektivnosti lecheniya nealkogol'nogo steatogepatita s ispol'zovaniem metodov neinvazivnoi diagnostiki [Assessment of treatment efficacy of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis using the methods of non-invasive diagnostics]. Russkii meditsinskii zhurnal [Russian Medical Journal]. 2009. Vol.17, №5. P.322-326 [in Russian] 2. Pavlov Ch. S., Glushenkov D. V., Kovtun V. V., Ivashkin V. T. Neinvazivnaya diagnostika fibroza: rezul'taty natsional'nykh programm skrininga fibroza pecheni u bol'nykh s zabolevaniyami pecheni na territorii Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Nin-invasive diagnostics of fibrosis: The results of national programs of screening for liver fibrosis in the patients presenting with hepatic pathology at the territory of the Russian Federation]. Dokazatel'naya gastroenterologiya [Evidence-based gastroenterology]. 2013. №2. C. 3-9 [in Russian] 3. Pavlov Ch. S., Glushenkov D. V., Ivashkin V. T. Sovremennye vozmozhnosti elastometrii, fibro- i akti-testa v diagnostike fibroza pecheni [Modern potentials of elastometry, fibro-and acti-test in diagnostics of liver fibrosis]. Rossiiskii zhurnal gastroenterologii, gepatologii i kolonoproktologii [The Russian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Coloproctology]. 2008. №4. P. 43-52 [in Russian] 4. Arena U., Vizzutti F., Abraldes J. G., Corti G., Stasi C., Moscarella S., Milani S., Lorefice E., Petrarca A., Romanelli R. G., Laffi G., Bosch J., Marra F., Pinzani M. Reliability of transient elastography for the diagnosis of advanced fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C. Gut. 2008. Vol. 57, №9. P. 1288-1293. 5. Bamber J., Cosgrove D., Dietrich C. F., Fromageau J., Bojunga J., Calliada F., Cantisani V., Correas J. M., D'Onofrio M., Drakonaki E. E. et al. EFSUMB guidelines and recommendations on the clinical use of ultrasound elastography. Part 1: Basic principles and technology. Ultraschall Med. 2013. Vol. 34, № 2. P. 169-184. 6. Bedossa P P. T. Intraobserver and interobserver variations in liver biopsy interpretation in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Hepatology. 1994. Vol. 20, № 1.P. 15-20. 7. Berzigotti A., Castera L. Update on ultrasound imaging of liver fibrosis. J Hepatol. 2013. Vol. 59, № 1. P. 180-182. 8. Berzigotti A., Seijo S., Reverter E., Bosch J. Assessing portal hypertension in liver diseases. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013. Vol. 7, № 2. P. 141-155. 9. Bosch J., Abraldes J. G., Berzigotti A., García-Pagan J. C. The clinical use of HVPG measurements in chronic liver disease. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. Vol. 6, № 10. P. 573-582. 10. Bravo A. A., Sheth S. G., Chopra S. Liver biopsy. N Engl J Med. 2001. Vol. 344, № 7. P. 495-500. 11. Castéra L., Foucher J., Bernard P. H., Carvalho F., Allaix D., Merrouche W., Couzigou P., de Lédinghen V. Pitfalls of liver stiffness measurement: a 5-year prospective study of 13,369 examinations. Hepatology. 2010. Vol. 51, № 3. P. 828-35. 12. Castéra L., Vergniol J., Foucher J., Le Bail B., Chanteloup E., Haaser M., Darriet M., Couzigou P., De Lédinghen V. Prospective comparison of transient elastography, Fibrotest, APRI, and liver biopsy for the assessment of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C. Gastroenterology. Vol. 128, № 2. P. 343-350. 13. Chan H. L., Wong G. L., Choi P. C., Chan A. W., Chim A. M., Yiu K. K., Chan F. K., Sung J. J., Wong V. W. Alanine aminotransferase-based algorithms of liver stiffness measurement by transient elastography (Fibroscan) for liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B. J Viral Hepat. 2009. Vol. 16, № 1. P. 36-44. 14. Chan W. K., Nik Mustapha N. R., Mahadeva S. Controlled attenuation parameter for the detection and quantification of hepatic steatosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014. Vol. 29, № 7. P. 1470-1476. 15. Colombo S, Belloli L, Buonocore M, Jamoletti C, Zaccanelli E, Del Poggio P. True normal liver stiffness measurement (LSM) and its determinants. Hepatology. 2009, 50 Suppl, A741. 16. Corpechot C., El Naggar A., Poupon R. Gender and liver: is the liver stiffness weaker in weaker sex? Hepatology. 2006. Vol. 44, № 2. P. 513-514. 17. D'Onofrio M., Gallotti A., Mucelli R. P. Tissue quantification with acoustic radiation force impulse imaging: Measurement repeatability and normal values in the healthy liver. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2010. Vol. 195, № 1. P. 132-136. 18. de Lédinghen V., Vergniol J., Capdepont M., Chermak F., Hiriart J. B., Cassinotto C., Merrouche W., Foucher J., Brigitte l. B. Controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) for the diagnosis of steatosis: a prospective study of 5323 examinations. J Hepatol. 2014. Vol. 60, № 5. P. 1026-1031. 19. de Lédinghen V., Wong V. W., Vergniol J., Wong G. L., Foucher J., Chu S. H., Le Bail B., Choi P. C., Chermak F., Yiu K. K., Merrouche W., Chan H. L. Diagnosis of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis using liver stiffness measurement: comparison between M and XL probe of FibroScan®. J Hepatol. 2012. Vol. 56, № 4. P. 833-839. 20. Fierbinteanu Braticevici C., Sporea I., Panaitescu E., Tribus L. Value of acoustic radiation force impulse imaging elastography for non-invasive evaluation of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2013. Vol. 39, № 11. P. 1942-1950. 21. Friedrich-Rust M., Wunder K., Kriener S., Sotoudeh F., Richter S., Bojunga J., Herrmann E., Poynard T., Dietrich C. F., Vermehren J., Zeuzem S., Sarrazin C. Liver fibrosis in viral hepatitis: noninvasive assessment with acoustic radiation force impulse imaging versus transient elastography. Radiology. 2009. Vol. 252, № 2. P. 595-604. 22. Frulio N., Trillaud H. Ultrasound elastography in liver. Diagn Interv Imaging. 2013. Vol. 94, № 5. P. 515-534. 23. Fung J., Lai C. L., Chan S. C., But D., Seto W. K., Cheng C., Wong D. K., Lo C. M., Fan S. T., Yuen M. F. Correlation of liver stiffness and histological features in healthy persons and in patients with occult hepatitis B, chronic active hepatitis B, or hepatitis B cirrhosis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2010. Vol. 105, № 5. P. 1116-1122. 24. Guzmán-Aroca F., Frutos-Bernal M. D., Bas A., Luján-Mompeán J. A., Reus M., Berná-Serna J. e. D., Parrilla P. Detection of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in patients with morbid obesity before bariatric surgery: preliminary evaluation with acoustic radiation force impulse imaging. Eur Radiol. 2012. Vol. 22, № 11. P. 2525-2532. 25. Kim S. U., Kim d. Y., Ahn S. H., Kim H. M., Lee J. M., Chon C. Y., Park Y. N., Han K. H., Park J. Y. The impact of steatosis on liver stiffness measurement in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Hepatogastroenterology. 2010. Vol. 57, № 101. P. 832-838. 26. Kuroda H., Kakisaka K., Kamiyama N., Oikawa T., Onodera M., Sawara K., Oikawa K., Endo R., Takikawa Y., Suzuki K. Non-invasive determination of hepatic steatosis by acoustic structure quantification from ultrasound echo amplitude. World J Gastroenterol. 2012. Vol. 18, № 29. C. 3889-3895. 27. Kuroda H., Kakisaka K., Tatemichi Y., Sawara K., Miyamoto Y., Oikawa K., Miyasaka A., Takikawa Y., Masuda T., Suzuki K. Non-invasive evaluation of liver fibrosis using acoustic radiation force impulse imaging in chronic hepatitis patients with hepatitis C virus infection. Hepatogastroenterology. 2010. Vol. 57, № 102. P. 1203-1207. 28. Marcellin P., Ziol M., Bedossa P., Douvin C., Poupon R., de Lédinghen V., Beaugrand M. Non-invasive assessment of liver fibrosis by stiffness measurement in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Liver Int. 2009. Vol. 29, № 2. P. 242-247. 29. Myers R. P., Pomier-Layrargues G., Kirsch R., Pollett A., Duarte-Rojo A., Wong D., Beaton M., Levstik M., Crotty P., Elkashab M. Feasibility and diagnostic performance of the FibroScan XL probe for liver stiffness measurement in overweight and obese patients. Hepatology. 2012. Vol. 55, № 1. P. 199-208. 30. Nitta Y., Kawabe N., Hashimoto S., Harata M., Komura N., Kobayashi K., Arima Y., Shimazaki H., Nakano T., Murao M., Ichino N., Osakabe K., Aoki H., Hosoe Y., Sugiyama H., Nishikawa T., Yoshioka K. Liver stiffness measured by transient elastography correlates with fibrosis area in liver biopsy in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Hepatol Res. 2009. Vol. 39, № 7. P. 675-684. 31. Petta S., Di Marco V., Cammà C., Butera G., Cabibi D., Craxì A. Reliability of liver stiffness measurement in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: the effects of body mass index. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2011. Vol. 33, № 12. P. 1350-1360. 32. Regev A., Berho M., Jeffers L. J., Milikowski C., Molina E. G., Pyrsopoulos N. T., Feng Z. Z., Reddy K. R., Schiff E. R. Sampling error and intraobserver variation in liver biopsy in patients with chronic HCV infection. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002. Vol. 97, № 10. P. 2614-2618. 33. Robic M. A., Procopet B., Métivier S., Péron J. M., Selves J., Vinel J. P., Bureau C. Liver stiffness accurately predicts portal hypertension related complications in patients with chronic liver disease: a prospective study. J Hepatol. Vol. 55, № 5. P. 1017-24. 34. Roulot D., Czernichow S., Le Clésiau H., Costes J. L., Vergnaud A. C., Beaugrand M. Liver stiffness values in apparently healthy subjects: influence of gender and metabolic syndrome. J Hepatol. 2008. Vol. 48, № 4. P. 606-613. 35. Sirli R., Sporea I., Tudora A., Deleanu A., Popescu A. Transient elastographic evaluation of subjects without known hepatic pathology: does age change the liver stiffness? J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2009. Vol. 18, № 1. P. 57-60. 36. Sporea I., Sirli R., Bota S., Popescu A., Sendroiu M., Jurchis A. Comparative study concerning the value of acoustic radiation force impulse elastography (ARFI) in comparison with transient elastography (TE) for the assessment of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis B and C. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2012. Vol. 38, № 8. P. 1310-1316. 37. Sporea I., Sirli R., Deleanu A., Tudora A., Popescu A., Curescu M., Bota S. Liver stiffness measurements in patients with HBV vs HCV chronic hepatitis: a comparative study. World J Gastroenterol. 2010. Vol. 16, № 38. P. 4832-4837. 38. Yoneda M., Suzuki K., Kato S., Fujita K., Nozaki Y., Hosono K., Saito S., Nakajima A. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: US-based acoustic radiation force impulse elastography. Radiology. 2010. Vol. 256, № 2. P. 640-647. 39. Ziol M., Handra-Luca A., Kettaneh A., Christidis C., Mal F., Kazemi F., de Lédinghen V., Marcellin P., Dhumeaux D., Trinchet J. C., Beaugrand M. Noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis by measurement of stiffness in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Hepatology. 2005. Vol. 41, № 1. P. 48-54.
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Түйенді сөздер:

Мақалалар санаты: Әдебиеттерге шолу

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

Қасым Л., Жумадилова З. К., Баркибаева Н. Р., Дажани А. Бауыр эластографиясының диагностикалық мүмкіндіктері / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2015. № 6. Б. 18-27.

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