Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Өзектілігі. Диализ кезіндегі жоғары деңгейдегі өлім көрсеткіші (жалпы популяцияға қарағанда 6,3-8,2 есеге артық) маңызды қауіп факторларына іздеуге ындаландырады. Осы шолу әдеби мәліметтерді сараптау арқылы созылмалы бүйрек жетіспеушілігімен ауыратын науқастардағы гемодиализ кезіндегі аяқталуларға әсер ететін факторларын анықтауға бағытталған. Іздеу стратегиясы. Ғылыми басылымдарды іздеу Pub Med, Google Scholar, Google Academia,, CyberLeninka іздеу системалары арқылы жүргізілді. Тереңдігі 10 жыл. Қосу критерийлері: іздеу тереңдігі 10 жыл (2009-2019); қазақ, орыс және ағылшын тілдеріндегі басылымдар; толық мәтінді эпидемиологиялық және клиникалық зерттеулер. Шығару критерийлері: жануарлар туралы мақалалар, қайталанатын жарияланымдар, конференция материалдары, клиникалық жағдайлар. Нәтижесі. Әдеби мәліметтерге сүйенсек, гемодиализдегі науқастардың өлім және аман қалу предикторлері болып гемодиализдің дозасы, реттілігі және қалдық бүйрек функциясы саналады. Қортынды. Алайда, созылмалы бүйрек жетіспеушілігімен ауыратын науқастардағы гемодиализ кезіндегі аяқталуларға әсер ететін ең маңызды факторы ретінде қалдық бүйрек функциясы қарастырылады.

Сәуле Б. Бодесова 1,

Бағдат Г. Султанова 1,

Нәзира Б. Бекенова 2,


1 «Қазақ медициналық үздіксіз білім беру университеті» Акционерлік қоғамы,

г. Алматы, Қазақстан Республикасы;

2 «Семей медицина университеті» КеАҚ,

г. Семей, Қазақстан Республикасы.

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(2013). 24-h residual urine volume at hemodialysis initiation: A possible predictor for acute ischemic stroke incurrence in hemodialyis patients. // Clinical neurology and neurosurgery. 2013. N 115(5), 557-561. 15. Chung, S. H., Han, D. C., Noh, H., Jeon, J. S., Kwon, S. H., Lindholm, B., Lee, H. B. Risk factors for mortality in diabetic peritoneal dialysis patients //Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2010. N 25 (11). P. 3742-3748. 16. Collins, A. J., Foley, R. N., Herzog, C., Chavers, B., Gilbertson, D., Herzog, C., Liu, J.. US Renal Data System 2012 annual data report // American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2013. N 61(1), P. 451-459. 17. Depner, T., Daugirdas, J., Greene, T. , Allon, M., Beck, G., Chumlea, C., Macon, E. Dialysis dose and the effect of gender and body size on outcome in the HEMO Study // Kidney international. 2004. N 65(4), P. 1386-1394. 18. Eknoyan, G. A, Beck, G. J., Cheung, A. K., Daugirdas, J. T., Greene, T., Kusek, J. W., Dwyer, J. T. Effect of dialysis dose and membrane flux in maintenance hemodialysis // New England Journal of Medicine. 2002. N 347(25), P. 2010-2019. 19. Hwang, H. S., Hong, Y. A., Yoon, H. E., Chang, Y. K., Kim, S. Y., Kim, Y. O., Kang, S. W.. Comparison of clinical outcome between twice-weekly and thrice-weekly hemodialysis in patients with residual kidney function // Medicine. 2016. N 95(7). P. 1-8. 20. Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Unruh, M., Zager, P. G., Kovesdy, C. P., Bargman, J. M., Chen, J., Goldfarb, D. S. Twice-weekly and incremental hemodialysis treatment for initiation of kidney replacement therapy // American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2014. N 64(2). P. 181-186. 21. KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease // Kidney Int. Supplement. 2013; 3:1–150. 22. Lee, M. J., Park, J. T., Park, K. S., Kwon, Y. E., Oh, H. J., Yoo, T. H., Kang, S. W.. Prognostic value of residual urine volume, GFR by 24-hour urine collection, and eGFR in patients receiving dialysis // Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2017. N 12(3). P. 426-434. 23. Lin X., Yan Y., Ni Z., Gu L., Zhu M., Dai H., Qian J. Clinical outcome of twice-weekly hemodialysis patients in shanghai // Blood purification. 2012. N 33(1-3). P. 66-72. 24. Lin Y. F., Huang J. W., Wu M. S., Chu T. S., Lin S. L., Chen Y. M., Wu K. D. Comparison of residual renal function in patients undergoing twice‐weekly versus three‐times‐weekly hemodialysis // Nephrology. 2009. N 14(1). P. 59-64. 25. Locatelli F., Pozzoni P., Tentori F., Del Vecchio L. Epidemiology of cardiovascular risk in patients with chronic kidney disease // Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2003. N 18(7). P. 2-9. 26. Ma T., Ding G. Effects of residual renal function on left ventricle and analysis of related factors in patients with hemodialysis //Renal failure. 2013. N 35 (2). P. 198-203. 27. Mathew A. T., Fishbane S., Obi Y., Kalantar-Zadeh K. Preservation of residual kidney function in hemodialysis patients: reviving an old concept // Kidney international. 2016. 90(2). P. 262-271. 28. Moist L. M., Port F. K., Orzol S. M., Young E. W., Ostbye T., Wolfe R. A., Bloembergen W. E. Predictors of loss of residual renal function among new dialysis patients // Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2009. N 11(3). P. 556-564. 29. National Kidney Foundation. DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic Kidney Disease. Executive Summary. guidelines. 2002. 30. Obi Y., Rhee C. M., Mathew A. T., Shah G., Streja E., Brunelli S. M, Kalantar-Zadeh K. Residual kidney function decline and mortality in incident hemodialysis patients // Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2016. 27(12). P. 3758-3768. 31. Perl J., Bargman J. M. The importance of residual kidney function for patients on dialysis: a critical review //American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2009. N 53 (6). P. 1068-1081. 32. Pozzoni P., Del L. V., Pontoriero G., Di S. F., Locatelli F. Long-term outcome in hemodialysis: morbidity and mortality // Journal of nephrology. 2004. N 17. P. 87-95. 33. Rhee C. M., Unruh M., Chen J., Kovesdy C. P., Zager P., Kalantar‐Zadeh K. Infrequent dialysis: a new paradigm for hemodialysis initiation // In Seminars in dialysis., November 2013. P. 720-727. 34. Shafi T., Jaar B. G., Plantinga L. C., Fink N. E., Sadler J. H., Parekh R. S., Coresh J. Association of residual urine output with mortality, quality of life, and inflammation in incident hemodialysis patients: the Choices for Healthy Outcomes in Caring for End-Stage Renal Disease (CHOICE) Study // American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2010. N 56(2). P. 348-358. 35. Shemin D., Bostom A. G., Laliberty P., Dworkin L. D. Residual renal function and mortality risk in hemodialysis patients // American journal of kidney diseases. 2008. N 38(1). P. 85-90. 36. Suda T., Hiroshige K., Ohta T., Watanabe Y., Iwamoto M., Kanegae K., Nakashima Y. The contribution of residual renal function to overall nutritional status in chronic hemodialysis patients // Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2009. N 15(3). P. 396-401. 37. Tamura M. K., Yaffe K. Dementia and cognitive impairment in ESRD: diagnostic and therapeutic strategies //Kidney international. 2011. N 79 (1). P. 14-22. 38. Tang W., Li L. X., Pei J., Wang T. Heart rate variability in peritoneal dialysis patients: what is the role of residual renal function? // Blood purification. 2012. N 34(1). P. 58-66. 39. United States Renal Data System, United States Renal Data System. Excerpts from USRDS 2009 Annual Data Report. US Department of Health and Human Services. The National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases //Am J Kidney Dis. 2010. N 55. (Suppl 1). 40. Van Olden R. W., Van Acker B. A. C., Koomen G. C. M., Krediet R. T., Arisz L. Time course of inulin and creatinine clearance in the interval between two haemodialysis treatments. // Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 1995. N 10(12). P. 2274-2280. 41. Vanholder R. New insights in uremic toxins //Kidney International. 2003. N 63. P. 6-10. 42. Verdecchia, P., Carini, G., Circo, A., Dovellini, E., Giovannini, E., Lombardo, M., .MAVI Study Group. Left ventricular mass and cardiovascular morbidity in essential hypertension: the MAVI study // Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2011. N 38(7). P. 1829-1835. 43. Vilar, E., Wellsted, D., Chandna, S. M., Greenwood, R. N., Farrington, K. Residual renal function improves outcome in incremental haemodialysis despite reduced dialysis dose // Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2009. N 24(8). P. 2502-2510. 44. Walser M. Dialysis and protein malnutrition // Kidney International. 2009. N 56 (1). P. 1139-1144. 45. Wang M., You L., Li H., Lin Y., Zhang Z., Hao C., Chen J. Association of circulating fibroblast growth factor-23 with renal phosphate excretion among hemodialysis patients with residual renal function // Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2013. N 8(1). P. 116-125. 46. Wright J. R., Ala’a E. S., Cooper A., Kalra P. R., Foley R. N., Kalra P. A. (2005). Left ventricular morphology and function in patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease // Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2005. N 16(9). P. 2746-2753. 47. Zhang M., Wang M., Li H., Yu P., Yuan L., Hao C., Kalantar-Zadeh K. Association of initial twice-weekly hemodialysis treatment with preservation of residual kidney function in ESRD patients // American journal of nephrology. 2014. N 40(2). P. 140-150. References 1. Abramova E. E`., Koroleva I.E., Tov N.L., Movchan E.A., Naborshhikov D.A. 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Chen Y., Liu H., Zou J., Ge Y., Teng J., Xu S, Shen B. 24-h residual urine volume at hemodialysis initiation: A possible predictor for acute ischemic stroke incurrence in hemodialyis patients. Clinical neurology and neurosurgery. 2013, 115(5), pp. 557-561. 51. Chung S. H., Han D. C., Noh H., Jeon J. S., Kwon S. H., Lindholm B., Lee H. B. Risk factors for mortality in diabetic peritoneal dialysis patients. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2010, 25 (11), pp. 3742-3748. 52. Collins A. J., Foley R. N., Herzog C., Chavers B., Gilbertson D., Herzog C., Liu J. US Renal Data System 2012 annual data report. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2013, 61(1), pp. 451-459. 53. Depner T., Daugirdas J., Greene T. , Allon M., Beck G., Chumlea C., Macon E. Dialysis dose and the effect of gender and body size on outcome in the HEMO Study. Kidney international. 2004, 65(4), pp. 1386-1394. 54. Eknoyan G. A, Beck G. J., Cheung A. K., Daugirdas J. T., Greene T., Kusek J. W., Dwyer J. T. Effect of dialysis dose and membrane flux in maintenance hemodialysis. New England Journal of Medicine. 2002, 347(25), pp. 2010-2019. 55. Hwang H. S., Hong Y. A., Yoon H. E., Chang Y. K., Kim S. Y., Kim Y. O., Kang S. W. Comparison of clinical outcome between twice-weekly and thrice-weekly hemodialysis in patients with residual kidney function. Medicine. 2016, 95(7), pp. 1-8. 56. Kalantar-Zadeh K., Unruh M., Zager P. G., Kovesdy C. P., Bargman J. M., Chen J., Goldfarb D. S. Twice-weekly and incremental hemodialysis treatment for initiation of kidney replacement therapyю American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2014, 64(2), pp. 181-186. 57. KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease. Kidney Int. Supplement. 2013, 3:1–150. 58. Lee M. J., Park J. T., Park K. S., Kwon Y. E., Oh H. J., Yoo T. H., Kang S. W. Prognostic value of residual urine volume, GFR by 24-hour urine collection, and eGFR in patients receiving dialysis. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2017, 12(3), pp. 426-434. 59. Lin X., Yan Y., Ni Z., Gu L., Zhu M., Dai H., Qian J. Clinical outcome of twice-weekly hemodialysis patients in shanghai. Blood purification. 2012, 33(1-3), pp. 66-72. 60. Lin Y. F., Huang J. W., Wu M. S., Chu T. S., Lin S. L., Chen Y. M., Wu K. D. Comparison of residual renal function in patients undergoing twice‐weekly versus three‐times‐weekly hemodialysis. Nephrology. 2009, 14(1), pp. 59-64. 61. Locatelli F., Pozzoni P., Tentori F., Del Vecchio L. Epidemiology of cardiovascular risk in patients with chronic kidney disease. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2003, 18(7), pp. 2-9. 62. Ma T., Ding G. Effects of residual renal function on left ventricle and analysis of related factors in patients with hemodialysis. Renal failure. 2013, 35 (2), pp. 198-203. 63. Mathew A. T., Fishbane S., Obi Y., Kalantar-Zadeh K. Preservation of residual kidney function in hemodialysis patients: reviving an old concept. Kidney international. 2016, 90(2), pp. 262-271. 64. Moist L. M., Port F. K., Orzol S. M., Young E. W., Ostbye T., Wolfe R. A., Bloembergen W. E. Predictors of loss of residual renal function among new dialysis patients. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2009, 11(3), pp. 556-564. 65. National Kidney Foundation. DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic Kidney Disease. Executive Summary. guidelines. 2002. 66. Obi Y., Rhee C. M., Mathew A. T., Shah G., Streja E., Brunelli S. M, Kalantar-Zadeh K. Residual kidney function decline and mortality in incident hemodialysis patients. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2016, 27(12), pp. 3758-3768. 67. Perl J., Bargman J. M. The importance of residual kidney function for patients on dialysis: a critical review. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2009, 53 (6), pp. 1068-1081. 68. Pozzoni P., Del L. V., Pontoriero G., Di S. F., Locatelli F. Long-term outcome in hemodialysis: morbidity and mortality. Journal of nephrology. 2004, 17, pp. 87-95. 69. Rhee C. M., Unruh M., Chen J., Kovesdy C. P., Zager P., Kalantar‐Zadeh K. Infrequent dialysis: a new paradigm for hemodialysis initiation. In Seminars in dialysis., November 2013, pp. 720-727. 70. Shafi T., Jaar B. G., Plantinga L. C., Fink N. E., Sadler J. H., Parekh R. S., Coresh J. Association of residual urine output with mortality, quality of life, and inflammation in incident hemodialysis patients: the Choices for Healthy Outcomes in Caring for End-Stage Renal Disease (CHOICE) Study. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2010, 56(2), pp. 348-358. 71. Shemin D., Bostom A. G., Laliberty P., Dworkin L. D. Residual renal function and mortality risk in hemodialysis patients. American journal of kidney diseases. 2008, 38(1), pp. 85-90. 72. Suda T., Hiroshige K., Ohta T., Watanabe Y., Iwamoto M., Kanegae K., Nakashima Y. The contribution of residual renal function to overall nutritional status in chronic hemodialysis patients. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2009, 15(3), pp. 396-401. 73. Tamura M. K., Yaffe K. Dementia and cognitive impairment in ESRD: diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Kidney international. 2011, 79 (1), pp. 14-22. 74. Tang W., Li L. X., Pei J., Wang T. Heart rate variability in peritoneal dialysis patients: what is the role of residual renal function? Blood purification. 2012, 34(1), pp. 58-66. 75. United States Renal Data System, United States Renal Data System. Excerpts from USRDS 2009 Annual Data Report. US Department of Health and Human Services. The National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases //Am J Kidney Diseases. 2010, 55. (Suppl 1). 76. Van Olden R. W., Van Acker B. A. C., Koomen G. C. M., Krediet R. T., Arisz L. Time course of inulin and creatinine clearance in the interval between two haemodialysis treatments. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 1995, 10(12), pp. 2274-2280. 77. Vanholder R. New insights in uremic toxins. Kidney International. 2003, 63. pp. 6-10. 78. Verdecchia, P., Carini, G., Circo, A., Dovellini, E., Giovannini, E., Lombardo, M., .MAVI Study Group. Left ventricular mass and cardiovascular morbidity in essential hypertension: the MAVI study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2011, 38(7), pp. 1829-1835. 79. Vilar, E., Wellsted, D., Chandna, S. M., Greenwood, R. N., Farrington, K. Residual renal function improves outcome in incremental haemodialysis despite reduced dialysis dose. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2009, 24(8), pp. 2502-2510. 80. Walser M. Dialysis and protein malnutrition. Kidney International. 2009, 56 (1), pp. 1139-1144. 81. Wang M., You L., Li H., Lin Y., Zhang Z., Hao C., Chen J. Association of circulating fibroblast growth factor-23 with renal phosphate excretion among hemodialysis patients with residual renal function. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2013, 8(1), pp. 116-125. 82. Wright J. R., Ala’a E. S., Cooper A., Kalra P. R., Foley R. N., Kalra P. A. Left ventricular morphology and function in patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2005, 16(9), pp. 2746-2753. 83. Zhang M., Wang M., Li H., Yu P., Yuan L., Hao C., Kalantar-Zadeh K. Association of initial twice-weekly hemodialysis treatment with preservation of residual kidney function in ESRD patients. American journal of nephrology. 2014, 40(2), pp. 140-150.
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Библиографиялық сілтемелер

Бодесова С.Б., Султанова Б.Г., Бекенова Н.Б. Созылмалы бүйрек жетіспеушілігімен ауыратын науқастардағы гемодиализ кезіндегі аяқталуларға әсер ететін факторлар // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2019. 4 (Т.21). Б. 28-36.

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