Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Relevance: Radioactive contamination is a significant factor affecting the environment and human health. Uranium and its decay products make a major contribution to human exposure to natural radiation sources. High levels of radon are observed in the Northern regions of Kazakhstan due to natural sources of radiation and long-term and large-scale uranium mining. The impact of radon on the population of Kazakhstan has been little studied, even though many regions of the country contain high levels of radon. The work aims: The analize of the literature data on possible health consequences associated with the uranium impact and its decay products on the population living in ecologically unfavorable regions. Search strategy: The search for sources was carried out in the Web of Science database, PubMed, using the specialized Google Scholar search engine and in the CyberLeninka electronic scientific library. The search depth was 20 years. The following keywords were used: uranium, radon, malignant neoplasms, radioactivity, public health (MeSH Terms: uranus, uranium contamination, human exposure, health risk, radon, cancer incident). The literature review was conducted in electronic and manual modes. Inclusion criteria: Publications in Russian and English; full-text epidemiological and clinical studies. Exclusion criteria: Publications with unclear conclusions, repeated publications, abstracts, articles with paid access, newspaper publications. A total of 566 sources were found, 57 articles were selected for the final analysis. Results: All these studies show that exposure to radon and radon progeny can pose a significant risk to public health. Radon exposure is the second cause of lung cancer and the first among those who have never smoked. There are areas in Kazakhstan with several factors leading to natural and anthropogenic increased radioactivity, including numerous areas with abnormally increased natural radioactivity, uranium deposits, as well as long-term activities of uranium mines and mining enterprises of other minerals associated with uranium mineralization. Conclusions: Thus, it becomes obvious that it is necessary to control populations of people exposed to radiation to assess the risk and prevent diseases. Since this topic is very relevant for the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to conduct full-scale studies of the risk of cancer in the population living in areas with elevated levels of uranium.
Kuralay B. Ilbekova1, Danara S. Ibrayeva1, Moldir N. Aumalikova 1, Meirat M. Bakhtin1, 1 Institute of radiobiology and radiation protection nCJSC "Astana Medical University", Nur-Sultan city, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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