Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Introduction. Co - infection of tuberculosis / human immunodeficiency virus  (TB/HIV) is not only one of the most common combinations of dual infection among people living with HIV, but also the most dangerous for the patient and for society as a whole.

The aim of our review was to study the organization of TB care to patients with HIV infection in Kazakhstan and foreign countries.

Research methods. The study included full-text publications in English and Russian languages, which were devoted to the study of the organization of TB care to people living with HIV. The depth of the study was 5 years from 2010 to 2015. Also were examined regulatory - legal acts, diagnostic protocols and treatment of tuberculosis in this group of individuals.

Results. Prevention, early identification of controlled treatment, infection control - basic measures of counteraction to tuberculosis among HIV - positive people, adjustable number of normative - legal acts of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which are synchronized with the international recommendations in this area. The system of measures aimed at combating tuberculosis in HIV - infected Kazakhstan is a complex inter-agency mechanism, the adequacy of which is unknown due to the lack of studies aimed at understanding the results counter TB among this category of persons. This area is of particular interest in the transition to an integrated strategy of tuberculosis control, the basic idea is to shift to the provision of assistance to TB control activities in the conditions of the network of primary health - care services.

Conclusion. Institutional transformation of the system of TB care require new managerial solutions in the field of tuberculosis among HIV – infected, which is necessary to examine the results of anti-tuberculosis measures among people living with HIV.

Elmira A. Alikeyeva 1,

Zhumagali K. Ismailov 1, Elmira A. Berikova 2, Altyn M. Aringazina 3

1,2 National Center for Tuberculosis Problems, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan;

3 Kazakhstan's Medical University "Kazakhstan School of Public Health", Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

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Bibliography link

Alikeyeva E.A., Ismailov Zh.K., Berikova E.A., Aringazina A.M. foreign and native experience of care against tuberculosis for HIV – infected patients. Review. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2017, 1, pp. 166-179.

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