Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Background. The malignant cervical tumors are the second leading cause of female mortality in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently, there is a growth of untreated precancerous cervical diseases which have a potential to develop into cervical cancer. In this connection, the question arises what barriers exist to the treatment of precancerous cervical diseases.

Objective: To identify uptake barriers to the treatment of precancerous cervical diseases.

Materials and methods. A cross-sectional study with random sampling strategy. Sampling - 404 women of childbearing age, randomly selected. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS 20.0.

Results. Four hundred and four women of childbearing age were interviewed, whose average age was 31 years, the prevalence of Kazakh women (45%), a large percentage of the respondents were married (58,9%). According to the social status of the respondents was as follows: government employees (30.9%), employees (28%), housewives (11,1%), students (12,1%) work in the service sector (6,9%), private entrepreneurs (10,9%).

Significant barriers to visiting health care facilities were the sense of constraint (75,2%), long hospital queues (78,2%), being very busy (60,6%), frequent referral to additional examinations and check-ups (60,4%).

Conclusion. The significant uptake barriers include: sense of constraint, long hospital queues as well as excessive referral to additional examinations.

Zhazira E. Orazgaliyeva 1,

Yuliya M. Semenova 1,

Karen Malone 2,

Marzhan A. Dauletiarova 1,

Togzhan Zh. Shalaganova 1,

1 Semey State Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan;

2 University of Western Sydney, Australia

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Orazgaliyeva Zh.E., Semenova Yu.M., Malone K., Dauletiarova M.A., Shalaganova T.Zh. Uptake barriers to the treatment of precancerous cervical diseases. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2017, 1, pp. 122-132.

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