Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Premature birth is one of the topical problems in obstetrics and gynecology, also in perinatology, because premature infants account 60-70% of perinatal illness and mortality. But many aspects of premature birth problem is debatable and need further research. Using in full volume the known methods of research’s diagnostic opportunities and new medicine technologies will help to resolve this problem.

Despite the wide range of existing prediction methods, the presence of the selected biomarkers sensitivity used in this test time is not high enough and in the order 40-60%, so about half of premature birth are not predict. Great expectations in predicting preterm birth are assigned to innovative immunological, biochemical, and genetic testing, the implementation of which in practice will allow for earlier and more accurate assessment of risk of preterm birth. 

In recent years, the scientific work to find significant predictors of this pathology and a lot of attention paid to the study of cell and molecular conversations that occur in the tissues in the body of women from the stage of blastocyst invasion and before the development of labor. Using molecular biological methods of research in obstetrics allowed us to study the pathogenic mechanisms of miscarriage

K. S. Zhumakanova

 Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan


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36.     Coleman M. A., Keelan J. A., Mc Cowan L. M. Predicting preterm delivery: comparison of cervicovaginal interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-6 and IL-8 with fetal fibronectin and cervical dilatation European journal of obstetrics gynecology, and reproductive biology. 2001. V. 95, P. 154–158.

37.     Galinsky R., Polglase G. R., Hooper S. B., Black M. J., Moss T. J. M. The Consequences of Chorioamnionitis: Preterm Birth and Effects on Development. Review Article Journal of Pregnancy. 2013. 11p.

38.     Grenache D. G., Hankins K., Parvin C. A., Gronowski A. M. Cervicovaginal Interleukin-6, Tumor Necrosis Factor-б, and Interleukin-2 Receptor as Markers of Preterm Delivery. Clinical chemistry. 2004. V. 50, P. 1839–1842.

39.     Hagberg H., Mallard C., Jacobsson B. Role of cytokines in preterm laborand brainin jury.  BJOG. 2005.V. 112 (Suppl 1), P. 16—18

40.     Hadži-Lega M., Markova A. D., Stefanovic M., Tanturovski M. Correlation of cervical length, fetal fibronectin, phIGFBP-1, and cytokines in spontaneous preterm birth up to 14 days from sampling. J. Perinat Med. 2014. Dec V. 10, P. 321-332.

41.     Li L., Kang J., Lei W. Role of Toll-like receptor 4 in inflammation-induced preterm delivery. Molecular human reproduction. 2010. V. 16, P. 267–272.

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