Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: Ensuring sufficient stocks of safe blood should be an integral part of national health policy and infrastructure in each country. The national blood supply system should be based on national policy and legislative framework, on the application of standards and consistency in the field of quality assurance and safety of blood and its components. Purpose: Analysis of literature data on the features of development of blood service in developed countries of the world and Central Asia. Search strategy: The problem of donation and the safety of donor blood and its components is one of the key in the modern healthcare system. For the research of this problem was carried out by searching for publications in the following databases: PubMed, Medline, Health star, Embase, Cochrane depth from 2000 to 2016. Results: The vector of development of the production link of blood service in developed countries is the centralization and increasing trend of introducing modern technologies in the preparation, inspection, storage and inventory management components of blood. In Central Asia, the exchange system is not sufficiently developed epidemiological data between blood centers, public health care and health facilities, as a result of which the information system for attracting and selection of donors is obsolete. There is no concerted interaction between specialists of blood services and doctors who prescribe blood transfusions, her components and preparations to patients. In addition, the absence of a systematic monitoring of donors and recipients, as well as national donor Central Asia is further exacerbated by the shortcomings of blood services. Conclusions: Control measures for the infectious safety of donated blood and its components consist of several known components. First of all, this is competent organization of the blood service, and second, an adequate assessment of the need transfusion of blood and its components by the attending physician; thirdly, perfection of methods of laboratory control of donor blood. It is obvious that it is impossible to conduct modern planning, evaluation activity and efficiency of work and management without new technologies. Introduction of information technology in the service of blood leads to improved quality of the shield donors, allows for an operative analysis of donor personnel and blood products.
Kamal K. Tashtemirov 1, Olga G. Tashtemirova 1 1 Semey State Medical University, Pavlodar branch, Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan
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