Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
At present, in Kazakhstan financial support to the children with disabilities and their families is provided by means of block-funding, in which all recipients get fixed amount of money regardless their needs. As an alternative to block-funding, a range of developed nations (Australia, UK, USA and Canada) introduced the individual budgeting of disability.
T.K. Rakhypbekov, А.M. Yelissinova, Y.M. Semenova, N.M. Yelissinova, A.Zh. Kodasheva Semey State Medical University
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Т.К. Рахыпбеков1, А.М. Елисинова2, Ю.М. Семенова3, Н.М. Елисинова4, А.Ж. Кодашева5 ФИНАНСОВАЯ ПОДДЕРЖКА СЕМЕЙ, ВОСПИТЫВАЮЩИХ ДЕТЕЙ-ИНВАЛИДОВ В КАЗАХСТАНЕ И ЗА РУБЕЖОМ //Наука и Здравоохранение 2014.№ 1. С. 8-11 T.K. Rakhypbekov, А.M. Yelissinova, Y.M. Semenova, N.M. Yelissinova, A.Zh. Kodasheva FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO FAMILIES RAISING CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES IN KAZAKHSTAN AND OVERSEAS // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie. 2014.№ 1. С. 8-11 Т.Қ. Рақыпбеков, А.М. Елисинова, Ю.М. Семенова, Н.М. Елисинова, А.Ж. Қодашева ҚАЗАҚСТАН ЖӘНЕ ШЕТЕЛДЕ МҮГЕДЕК БАЛАЛАРДЫ ТӘРБИЕЛЕЙТІН ЖАҢҰЯЛАРҒА ҚАРЖЫЛЫҚ ЖӘРДЕМ КӨРСЕТУ // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2014.№ 1. С. 8-11

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