Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Vasculitis (angiitis) with damage to the Central nervous system (CNS) requires a broad differential diagnosis [7]. Usually, CNS lesion develops against the background of other clinical manifestations of systemic vasculitis, but in some patients it is the neurological clinic that can be the first manifestation of the disease [4]. The prevalence of nervous system damage in cerebral vasculitis (CV), according to studies, varies from 2.7 to 54% [4]. The article presents its own observation of a patient with isolated cerebral vasculitis associated with autoimmune disease receiving repeated courses of treatment with exacerbations in the Department of neurology of the University hospital of Semey. Verification of the diagnosis was confirmed by the data of the study of MRI of the brain and cervical spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid tests, a full range of biochemical blood tests, specific autoimmune tests, as well as a positive response to immunosuppressive therapy using large doses of methylprednisolone, azathioprine and anticoagulants. Describes the dynamics of a difficult clinical case of the patient from the period of debut of the disease in the form of generalized epileptic seizures (June 2017), with the formation of further post-ischemic foci in the medial parts of the temporal lobe of the left hemisphere (September 2018), to the full deployment of clinical neurological symptoms (November 2018), with its labile changing course and rapid progression, up to the development of dementia syndrome in dynamics (January 2019).
Dariya R. Kunafina 1, Tatyana V. Kaimak 1, 1 Department of Neurology and Neurophysiology, Semey Medical University, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan
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