The high contagiousness and modes of trasmission of COVID-19 made medical organizations to reinforce sanitary and hygienic requirements, with sustaining the proper level of quality of medical care for both infected and uninfected citizens. In perinatal centers, 3 levels of protection for medical workers have been introduced along with creating conditions for the maintenance and treatment of infected women. Case study reported describes a list of measures taken to provide medical care to a patient with explicit manifestations of COVID-19.
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Khamidullina Z.G., Aldabekova G.U., Khasenova A.Z. A case study of epidemiological measures applying in perinatal center during COVID-19 outbreak // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2020, (Vol.22) 3, pp. 22-25. doi 10.34689/SH.2020.22.3.004

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