Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: Health Technology Assessment (HTA) is an interdisciplinary process, the aim is to inform decision-makers to build a fair, efficient and high quality health care system. In an ideal setting, HTA with patient involvement will enhance patient knowledge by providing access to information and fostering informed dialogue between patients and their healthcare providers. Aim: review the literature on the role of patients and the public in health technology assessment. Search strategy: Literature searches were conducted in databases such as PubMed, Cochrane Reviews of Database Systems, Google Scholar. Methodological filters were not used to limit searches by study type. The search was limited to research documents in English and Russian languages published between January 2011 and January 2021. The search words included "assessment of medical technology", "role of patients and society", "value of patients", "evidence and feedback fr om interested parties". There were analyzed publications and used 43 full-text documents in the literature review on the selected authors on the topic. Results: An HTA process that includes patient input can add value to patients, individual policy-makers and health professionals. A positive dynamic is the active participation and involvement of patient-centered groups in different countries such as Australia, Scotland, Canada. Despite calls for significant patient involvement in HTA, patient involvement and levels of patient support continue to vary widely across Europe, wh ere the main barriers are lack of adequate financial support, inadequate training and low awareness of existing participation opportunities. Conclusion: Over the past decade, the participation and involvement of a patient-oriented group in HTA has attracted more stakeholders, both from the patients themselves and from decision-makers, but there is no single model for their involvement in the HTA process. The involvement and role of patients in HTA depends on the local structure of the health care system. The lack of regulatory documents, as well as of a structural, procedural or methodological nature is the main barrier to the integration of patients into HTA.
Lyazzat A. Kulembekova 1, Lyazzat K. Kosherbaeva 1, Shattyk Ye. Toleugali 1, Kamshat A. Tolganbaeva 1, Damir M. Tolepbek 1, 1 S.D. Asfendiarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan;
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Kulembekova L.A., Kosherbaeva L.K., Toleugali Sh.Ye., Tolganbaeva K.A., Tolepbek D.M. Experience of foreign countries in involving the population or patients in the process of assessing health technologies // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2021, (Vol.23) 4, pp. 98-106. doi 10.34689/SH.2021.23.4.010

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