Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: International organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), emphasize the need to analyze the growing influence of health systems on the economy and social sphere, as well as the need to create flexible information systems aimed at monitoring and supporting decision-making processes. The aim of the research is to study a flexible and operational tool (model) for measuring the impact of the health system, which contributes to the adoption of effective and sustainable measures to reduce health inequalities. Methods: The literature search was carried out in following databases: PubMed, Google Scholarship, CRD database, the Cochrane Library. The search strategy included the following keywords: indicator, measure, performance health system, efficiency, equity and/or effectiveness, economic structure standardized database death techniques tools comparability. Methodological filters included all types of research. The search was limited to research documents in English, Spanish and Russian languages published between January 2011 and April 2021. Inclusion criteria: 1) full texts available in databases; 2) texts in English, Spanish or Russian; 3) studies carried out or published over the last decade (2011-2021). Exclusion criterion: 1) duplicates of the study; 2) clinical approach. Results: To identify the economic structure of the healthcare sector, technological coefficients of the input-output tables are used, that is, the level of expenditures of each sector required and can be used for the economic structure of the healthcare system. In the regional input-output tables, corrections for rows and columns with different location coefficients or sector participation quotas by region are made simultaneously. Conclusions: Conducting a qualitative and objective assessment of the health sector, on the one hand, and analyzing its economic efficiency, on the other, require the development of health indicators and the introduction of effective economic methods. This will allow us to determine whether the level of budget expenditures and the medical services provided correspond to the burden of diseases of the population of this region.
Lyazzat Kosherbayeva 1, Olzhas Zhorayev 2, Аizhan Samambayeva 3, Madi Zhaksylyk 4 1 S. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National medical university, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 M. Narikbayev KazGUU University, Nur-sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan; 3 AY economics Research Centre, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; 4 Center for Research, Analysis and Performance Evaluation, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Kosherbayeva L., Zhorayev O., Samambayeva А., Zhaksylyk M. Learning healthcare system performance measuring tools // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2021, (Vol.23) 4, pp. 88-97. doi 10.34689/SH.2021.23.4.009

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