Relevance: Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the absence of any external stimuli. Symptoms can be unilateral or bilateral, present with or without hearing loss and resemble ringing, hissing, whistling, humming, buzzing, chirping or clicking. However, there is still no single consensus on the methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients with tinnitus.
Aim to review the literature on the effect of effective treatment methods on the psychological state of patients with tinnitus.
Methods: Literature search was conducted in the databases: PubMed, the Cochrane Library. The search strategy included keywords: tinnitus, quality of life, efficiency or effectiveness, psychology, distress, anxiety, treatment, neurostim*, masking, therapy, music. Methodological filters included systematic reviews and meta-analysis. The search was limited to English and Russian languages published between January 2000 and September 2021 (there are 6 literary sources from 1983,1990,1991,1995,1996). Three authors independently checked all the selected works. The study was evaluated according to the AMSTAR-2 checklist. Inclusion criteria: observational studies, including cross-sectional studies, different diagnostic criteria, different age groups, different research focus and differences in reporting and analysis of results. Exclusion criteria: articles and materials that do not have an evidence base, summaries of reports, abstracts and newspaper articles, conference materials and publications of poor methodological quality that did not reflect the main significance, with unclear conclusions. As a result, a total of 137 publications on this topic were analyzed, of which 59 articles were critically evaluated.
Conclusions: The authors of systematic reviews and clinical guidelines note that tinnitus affects the psychological state of the patient, and cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the effective methods of treatment. Also, the use of questionnaires to identify the level of anxiety and depression is important to exclude psychological disorders in patients with tinnitus.
Akbota S. Seitkali1
Lyazzat K. Kosherbayeva1
Aigul R. Medeulova1
1NCJSC «Kazakh National Medical University named S.D. Asfendiyarov»,
Almaty city, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Seitkali A.S., Kosherbayeva L.K., Medeulova A.R. Study of the effect of tinnitus on the psychological state of the patient. Literature review // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2021, (Vol.23) 6, pp. 205-213. doi:10.34689/SH.2021.23.6.022Related publications: