Introduction. The main cause of death worldwide are diseases of the circulatory system (CVD) and more than 80% of premature deaths from CVD can be prevented by taking the necessary preventive measures. This literature review is devoted to the study of the experience of foreign countries in the organization of the prevention of CVD. Aim. To study the experience of foreign countries in the organization of measures for the prevention of CVD. Search strategy. Literature search was carried out using PubMed databases, Google Scholar, Medline, Cyberleninka and the electronic library eLibrary, by keywords (diseases of the circulatory system, prevention, preventive measures) from 1970 to 2020, since during this period of time many foreign countries managed to reduce the mortality from CVD. More than 50 public programs for the prevention of CVD were found, conducted from 1970 to 2020. Out of 50, only 10 of the most effective programs for the prevention of CVD were selected for subsequent analysis according to the results of numerous studies conducted during this period of time. For the subsequent analysis, programs from 10 countries were selected that managed to reduce the mortality from CVD by more than 50%. Results. Thus, the programs of almost all countries included a media-based approach, using a combination of radio, television and printed materials to convey messages about heart health. Many programs also included screening interventions, individual and group counseling. Health departments, local health committees, voluntary organizations and community volunteers played a role in the implementation of the program, and interventions were carried out in a variety of settings, including workplaces and schools. Conclusions. Based on the above, it follows that 10 countries have managed to reduce the mortality from CVD by 50% or more percent, thanks to the introduction of effective measures aimed at preventing CVD, such as: - Conducting lectures on CVD prevention for medical professionals, nutritionists, canteen managers, teachers; - Promotion of physical activity among the population through the organization of programs, competitions; - Advising people about healthy eating, the dangers and benefits of products in grocery stores and supermarkets. - Labeling of products with a high content of salt, fat and sugar. - Using a media-based approach, using a combination of radio, television and printed materials to convey messages about the dangers of smoking, healthy eating, and how to adhere to a healthy lifestyle; - Evaluation of the results of preventive measures carried out.
Aziza M. Imamatdinova1, Aigulsum K. Izekenova1, 0000-0003-3850-8689 Lyazzat K. Kosherbayeva1, 1JSC “Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University”, Almaty c., Republic of Kazakhstan
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Imamatdinova A.M., Izekenova A.K., Kosherbayeva L.K. The experience of foreign countries in carrying out measures for the prevention of diseases of the circulatory system. Literature review // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2022, (Vol.24) 1, pp. 98-107. doi 10.34689/SH.2022.24.1.012

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