Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Clinical case of acute brucellosis confirmed by positive Wright test results (1:800 and 1:3200 in dynamics) with clinical manifestations of predominant liver damage in the form of hepatitis (enlargement of the liver, icteric coloration of the skin and sclera, ALT - 0.52 μkat/l, total bilirubin - 67.68 μmol/l, direct bilirubin - 37.6 μmol/l, indirect bilirubin – 30.08 µmol/l) and spleen in the form of abscess (enlargement of the spleen, the conclusion of ultrasound examination - abscess of the spleen) is described. It is noted that in brucellosis and in modern conditions, the possibility of the formation of metastatic foci in various organs with tissue necrosis remains.
Lidiya A. Mukovozova1, Alma Z. Tokayeva1, Nazira B. Bekenova1, Yerbol M. Smail1, 1 Semey Medical University, Semey c., the Republic of Kazakhstan;
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Category of articles: Clinical case

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Mukovozova L.A., Tokayeva A.Z., Bekenova N.B., Smail E.M. Spleen abscess and hepatitis in brucellosis: clinical case // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 3, pp. 284-286. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.3.037

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