Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Relevance. Today, childhood obesity is a global pandemic. Prevention strategies have proven to be the most effective public health intervention in containing this pandemic. A multicomponent approach, including dietary modification and healthy lifestyle promotion, regular physical activity, minimizing screen time, and behavioral interventions, has been shown to be effective in preventing obesity. Family, school and community involvement is important for long-term outcomes, as is government involvement in policy development that helps create environments and opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity. Combating childhood obesity is challenging. It includes following a structured weight loss program tailored to each child, along with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Anti-obesity drugs play a limited role in childhood and are not recommended for young children. Bariatric surgery is reserved for older adolescents with morbid obesity, but long-term safety data for its use in this age group are limited. Objective. To analyze literature data on the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity in primary health care level. Search strategy. The study examined full-text publications in English and Russian that deal with the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity in primary health care settings. The following search engines were used in the process of literature search: Pubmed, Web of science, Cyberleninka, Google Scholar by keywords. The time period was designated 2013-2023. The criteria for inclusion of publications in the review were as follows: full-text publications in Russian and English, which are in the public domain and contain statistically confirmed conclusions. Exclusion Criteria: Brief reports, newspaper articles and personal communications. There were 413 publications on this topic. Of these, 53 publications corresponded to the purpose of our study. Results and conclusions. Prevention and treatment of childhood obesity is a complex task that requires urgent attention and commitment fr om society, healthcare providers and other stakeholders from related disciplines. Simple approaches that can be deployed to prevent obesity include promoting a balanced diet, sleep hygiene, and a healthy lifestyle. The home, school, and community are critical platforms wh ere behavioral and educational interventions can be administered. A lifelong approach is strongly recommended, starting with maternal nutrition and care, with a continued focus on healthy eating and lifestyle through infancy, childhood and adolescence. Multi-component interventions across all platforms are needed for sustained and significant reductions in obesity.
Akimzhan M. Bahtybai1, Zaituna A. Khismetova1, Nazym S. Iskakova1, Gulzat Zh. Sarsenbayeva2, Kamila M. Akhmetova3, 1 NCJSC “Semey medical university”, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 JSC “South Kazakhstan Medical Academy”, Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan; 3 NCJSC «Astana medical university», Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Bahtybai A.M., Khismetova Z.A., Iskakova N.S., Sarsenbayeva G.Zh., Akhmetova K.M. Prevention and treatment of childhood obesity in primary health care. Review // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 4, pp. 191-199. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.4.024

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