Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Background. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally, accounting for 20.5 million deaths in 2021, according to the World Heart Report, and accounting for almost a third of all deaths in the world. Many cardiovascular disease events can be prevented by changes in behavioral risk factors, such as smoking and diet, as well as pharmacological interventions. One solution addressing this issue is disease management, which seeks to enhance healthcare by lowering the expenses of treating chronically ill individuals. Disease management programs effectively enhance care quality and adherence, ultimately reducing the misuse of resources. Aim. To analyze the results of implementing the Disease Management Program in Kazakhstan using chronic heart failure as an example over the years of implementation. Materials and methods. The necessary statistical data on implementing the Disease Management Program in Kazakhstan were collected using the chronic heart failure example. The research material was the Salidat Kayirbekova National Scientific Research Center for Health Development statistical collections and official reports of the Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases for 2018-2022. Results. The introduction of a disease management system for the management of chronic heart failure at the end of 2013-2022 contributed to a decrease in mortality from cardiovascular diseases by 4.3%, including from hypertension by 12%, coronary artery disease by 4%, and acute myocardial infarction by 4.8%. Quality of care within the healthcare system has advanced: patient coverage has expanded, and training sessions have been arranged for patients and healthcare professionals. Conclusions. These findings highlight the success of the implemented strategies and underscore the importance of continuous monitoring and evaluation to enhance healthcare outcomes further. Overall, the research underscores the positive trajectory of chronic disease management in Kazakhstan, paving the way for future improvements and sustained health benefits for the population.
Akzhan Konysbekova1,2, Marat Pashimov2, Oryngul Jumagaziyeva1, Akmaral Abikulova1, Laura Seiduanova1, Ainur B. Qumar1, 1 Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Department of Health Policy and Management, Almaty, Kazakhstan; 2 Research institute of cardiology and internal diseases, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
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Bibliography link

Konysbekova A., Pashimov M., Abikulova A., Seiduanova L., Jumagaziyeva O., Qumar A. Results of the implementation of the disease management program on chronic heart failure in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2024. Vol.26 (6), pp. 56-63. doi 10.34689/SH.2024.26.6.007

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