Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Actuality. Оsteoporosis (OP) is the most common skeletal metabolic disorder that affects postmenopausal women and includes microarchitectural disorders and decreased bone mineral density (BMD) caused by estrogen deficiency associated with menopause and increasing age. Osteoporosis and overweight are two important aspects of bone health and metabolism. There is a close relationship between body weight and BMD, which is manifested through the influence of various body components such as muscle and fat mass. The aim to study the relationship between bone mineral density and body mass index in middle-aged and elderly people. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted from July 2023 to March 2024 in two stages. The study participants were recruited at the Semey Medical University University Hospital in the regional center of the Abai region, Semey city. Basic information for the first stage of the research and questionnaires were collected from 408 respondents. At the second stage, the BMD of the study participants was measured using DXA. Groups with normal and low BMD were formed Results. The average age in the group with normal BMD was 55.9±7.61 years and in the group with low BMD 58.8±7.6 years. Data analysis between the two groups showed the static significance of BMI (p<0.001) and fractures after minor injuries and falls (p=0.003). To determine the relationship between BMI and BMD, we performed regression analysis, which revealed a number of indicators related to the probability of bone preservation: age (AOR 1.04; 95% CI from 1.01 to 1.07; p <0.006), body mass index (AOR 0.90; 95% CI from 0.86 to 0.94; p <0.000), fracture history (AOR 1.67; 95% CI from 1.05 to 2.66; p <0.030). Conclusion. Our study has shown that the solution to the problem of reducing BMD in old age should be aimed at controlling risk factors such as body mass index, dieting, and sufficient physical activity. These activities should be initiated in middle age and regardless of the gender of the patients.
Madina Madiyeva1, Nurgul Kultumanova1, Kairat Almisaev1, Aray Mukanova1, Daniyar Raissov1, Gulzhan Bersimbekova1, Gulnur Kanapiyanova1, 1 NCJSC «Semey Medical University», Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan;
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Madiyeva M., Kultumanova N., Almisaev K., Mukanova A., Raissov D., Bersimbekova G., Kanapiyanova G. The relationship between body mass index and bone mineral density in the middle-aged and elderly population // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2024. Vol.26 (6), pp. 88-93. doi 10.34689/SH.2024.26.6.011

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