Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. Epiphora is the leading symptom of pathology of the nasolacrimal drainage system (NLDS). Chronic epiphora is associated with a significant reduction in patients' quality of life. There is no single ideal imaging modality for assessing nasolacrimal drainage system, and most existing imaging modalities are complementary. The aim of this review is the investigation of the role of visual diagnostic methods in the management of patients with NLDS pathology. Search strategy. The search for sources was conducted in the following databases: PubMed, Google Scholar, Embase, CyberLeninka, and eLibrary. The review encompassed primary studies (descriptive, analytical, clinical studies), secondary studies (systematic reviews and meta-analyses), clinical guidelines and recommendations, as well as expert opinions, in both Russian and English. Results and conclusion. The epidemiological characteristics of nasolacrimal drainage system diseases are diverse and influenced by numerous factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, geographic location, and access to specialized medical care. Chronic epiphora, often a primary reason for ophthalmology consultations, significantly impairs quality of life. The spectrum of pathological conditions associated with epiphora is extensive and exhibits distinct features in both adult and pediatric ophthalmological practice. The variety of diagnostic methods in contemporary dacryology underscores the need for standardized approaches in selecting treatment modalities. Current literature lacks standardized diagnostic and treatment algorithms for evaluating the effectiveness of minimally invasive procedures for treating lacrimal duct obstruction, including the use of computed tomographic dacryocystography. Keywords: epiphora, nasolacrimal drainage system, computed tomographic dacryocystography.
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Dautbayeva Zh.S., Abdrakhmanova Zh.S., Rakhimzhanova R.I., Akhmedyanova Z.U., Makenkyzy A., Takeeva N.F., Saitova K.M., Kussainova A.A., Kassym L.T. Exploring clinical, pathogenetic, and diagnostic dimensions of nasolacrimal drainage system pathologies // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2024. Vol.26 (3), pp. 144-154. doi 10.34689/SH.2024.26.3.017

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