Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
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Introduction: the paper presents literature review devoted to the significance of biomarkers in colorectal cancer. Based on the analysis of data presented in evidence-based medicine databases, there is a lot of scientific information enabling appropriate solution of treatment modality. Aim: to carry the systematic search of research papers dedicated to immunohistochemistry in colorectal cancer and to the significance of proliferation marker Ki67. Materials and methods. To achieve the above described goal, we conducted a systematic literature search in evidence-based medicine electronic databases. The overall number of research papers identified was equal to 4342, of which 55 were included in the present review. Results: the role of COX2, HER2, SMAD4, ALDH1 and Ki-67 in immunohistochemistry of colorectal cancer is studied to the various extent. Conclusions: Ki67 expression indices in colorectal cancer still require further exploration, while available literature sources report controversial findings. It might prove to be useful to carry additional scientific research devoted to the establishment of correlation between Ki67 proliferation labeling, clinical and morphological characteristics of malignant tumor, and its prognostic meaning in colorectal cancer.
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Category of articles: Reviews

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