Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
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Introduction: the literary review is devoted to a question of introduction in educational programs of intership of professional training on the future workplace. The given question is shined in a context actual for system of higher education of Kazakhstan of a problem, realization of dual training. Objective: a background of an indispensability of introduction in educational programs of intership of professional training on the basis of results of the literary review. Materials and methods: in article results of the state-of-the-art review are presented. Search of the literature has been carried out on description «professional training of the intern» in electronic databases «», «eLIBRARY.RU», republican interuniversity electronic library (РМЭБ), official sites of Ministry of Health and social development of Republic Kazakhstan, Managements of healthcare of the East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar areas. During search 3053 literary sources were revealed, 59 from which have been chosen as an analytical material of article. Except for that the legal base of Republic Kazakhstan has been studied by depth of 27 years. Conclusions: professional training assists complex adaptation of the intern on the future workplace. Dignity of introduction in educational process of intership of professional training are: reduction of timeframes of adaptation of the intern to operating conditions on the future seat of employment; a possibility of the employer to estimate the person and quality of preparation of the future worker; a possibility of reception by the intern of a constructive feedback from the future colleagues and the employer; increase of motivation of interns to training; mastering by required professional skills and skills, their fastening in conditions of specific clinic, purchase of the knowledge allowing quickly to be guided in various clinical situations; reduction of risks of medical mistakes and complaints from patients; a possibility of replacement with the period of annual vacation of the basic employee of clinic the trainee-intern.
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