Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

The choice of implant, always found attention in the views of scientists and surgeons. Synthetic materials have undergone significant changes as new technologies are discovered. But today, their use causes a lot of heated discussions, disputes and various responses. Therefore, the further use of implants is one of the promising and relevant areas of surgery.

Number of Views: 1819

Category of articles: Original article

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Абатов Н.Т., Култанов Б.Ж., Альбертон И.Н., Есильбаева БТ., Асамиданов Е.М., Абатова А.Н., Мырзалиева С.Б. Эксперименттік нефропексия кезіндегі тотығу стресс бойынша бұзылудың баптауы / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2018. №1. Б. 36-48.

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