Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

State Program for Development of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Salamatty Kazakhstan" aimed at improving the health of citizens of Kazakhstan to sustainable socio-economic development of the country.

One of the indicators of achievement of the target indicators is the aforementioned vaccinations. With great performance of vaccinated children, we are still faced with issues of concern on the part of parents. It is associated with physical, infectious and allergenic pathologies that cause secondary immunodeficiency. In most cases this is associated with immunization in an unfavorable environment in connection with which there is insufficient production of protective antibodies.

Among the many parents have a number of reasons due to which they refuse vaccinations. Therefore, when planning vaccination should be carried out advisory - preventive work among the population.

Number of Views: 3428

Category of articles: Original article

Bibliography link

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