Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
There view deals with the analysis of the molecular mechanism of the effect of metformin, the antidiabetic drug widely applied all over the world. In addition to the hypoglycemic effect, metformin was discovered to have several pleiotropic actions, particularly antitumor. The effect of metformin on proliferation of cancer cells is related to activation of AMP-sensitive kinase and suppression of mTOR, which plays an important role in regulation of cellular growth. Glucose drop by metformin was caused by its ability to suppress gluconeogenesis in liver through signal pathway from LKB1, loss of which contributes to the formation of some tumors. Since LKB1 is a key regulator of glucose and lipids metabolism in Т-cells, and is of significant importance for normal development and functioning of Т-cells.The existing research works show that this medication has it s antiproliferative effect in several ways including by direct impact and immune-mediated inhibition of tumor growth. Two main mechanisms of metformin’s antitumor effect were marked out: direct (insulin-independent) and indirect (insulin-dependent). At present the mechanism of metformin effect on carcinogenesis has not been completely explored. Further experiments and large-scale clinical studies are required to identify cellular and molecular mechanisms of metformin, which has high potential in diabetology and oncology
Number of Views: 976

Category of articles: Reviews

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