Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
The aim of the present study was to analyze the scientific documentation about the effects of selenium (Se) in cancer prevention. Methods. The search for relevant scientific publications was conducted in databases of evidence-based medicine (PubMed and Cochrane Library), specialized search systems (Google Scholar, Cyberleninka, and e-library). Inclusion criteria: studies performed in people published in English, Russian, as well as full versions of articles. Results. In epidemiological studies conducted in 27 countries in Europe, the United States and Japan, it was found an inverse relationship between the level of Se intake and mortality from leukemia, colorectal cancer, breast, and ovarian cancer. Numerous studies in various countries have confirmed an increase in the incidence of prostate, thyroid, mammary, cervical, lung, oral, digestive, rectal cancer in the presence of Se deficiency in the body. The biochemical role of selenoproteins in the human organism is determined mainly by participation in oxidation-reduction reactions and stabilization of cell membranes in the phase of the damage the cell genetic apparatus (initiation), and tumor transformation (promotion) of certain types of cancers. It was found that supplementation with Se (200-300 μg/day) has preventive effects and decreases mortality rates in persons with a deficit of this trace element. Conclusion. In the past decades, numerous experimental and clinical studies demonstrate the importance of Se for human health. It is of particular interest that low levels of Se in the blood are paralleled by a significant increase in the incidence of the oncological diseases. Selenium has both antioxidant and prooxidant activity. Prooxidant toxic activity in regard to tumor cells is manifested at increased pharmacological concentrations of Se. The results of the experimental studies show the effect of Se on early stages of carcinogenesis, and also in cancer progression. A significant accumulation of Se in malignant neoplasms has been observed. Further clinical studies are requested to define the roles and indications for the therapeutic use of Se in oncology.
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