Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Introduction. In modern society the human immunodeficiency virus has the status of a "global social problem".In Kazakhstan due to the complex of targeted preventive measures, HIV-infection is kept at a concentrated stage, that is the spread occurs mainly among vulnerable groups.In dynamics, the frequency of parenteral pathway infection decreases, the proportion of sexual pathway increases, there is an increase in HIV-infections among people of the older age group, and clinical manifestations become more diverse.

Aim. Analysis of the clinical case of a patient with HIV-infection with a predominant lesion of the nervous system.

Methods. Type of clinical research-descriptive. Case report.

Results. According to the frequency of damage to various organs and systems in HIV- infection, the nervous system is in second place after the immune system.At the same time, the spectrum of neurological disorders is very wide, which often creates diagnostic difficulties.The defeat of the nervous system, especially the brain, is one of the most important problems associated with HIV-infection.Neurological lesions in HIV-infection are observed in 50-80% of patients and are clinically expressed in more than 10% of them.The defeat of the nervous system is primary in 7.2% of patients.

The given clinical case of a 49 year old patient in the epidemiological aspect is interesting from these positions.In clinical perspective, the sharply developed marked neurological symptomatology that prevails in the clinic of this patient is also of practical interest for specialists.A feature of this case is also the rapid progression of the disease with the addition of lesions of other organs and systems.All this requires increased alertness and appropriate knowledge on the part of doctors for the timely diagnosis of this infection.

Conclusions.1.Doctors of all specialties need to know about the epidemiological features and clinical manifestations of HIV-infection.

2. Neurological manifestations in HIV-infection can be very diverse and be leading in the symptomatology of this disease.

Number of Views: 879

Category of articles: Clinical case

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